An old soldier's home


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
Take a look at this link:

My husband went to Beckley WV last weekend for the Tamarack event there and on the way down, he stopped overnight during a storm, slept in the front porch of that home LOLOL! He took a pic of it and it gave him a surprise that it was the general's old home and he played CW reenactor as well lOL. No ghosts there but it was so quiet.

We are wondering if anyone is actively going to restore this old home. It is getting run down and it would be another ten years before it rots to the ground.

Is there going to be a restoration progress in order near future for this once beautiful home????????

I will download a pic soon and you can see the difference.
I wonder too..
and I wonder where the family is today.

It always makes me kind of sad to see someones house get torn down, that was someones memories.
This is a good song that fits:
Thats so sad to see it like that. I love restoring stuff... but that might be a tad far to commute for work!
I often wondered why no one lived in that house. When hubby looked inside of the house, it was in pretty bad shape, peeling wallpapers, fallen plaster, rotted wood however he did see in the front door that the staircase going upstairs looks like in a better shape than the most.

Hubby said that he found the general's gr. great granddaughters email and will find out more if anything is being done to the house. I hope they will get enough money to restore the house.

I do not know if anyone would WANT to live there, after all, the general died in his home and buried in Henderson, WV. i am not sure if anyone lived there after his death in 1927. I am certain someone did however no one mentioned if it was sold to another buyer or it remained in the family descendents. It is a pity that when this general was alive in his later years, his Union neighbors and friends pretty much isolate him for his wrongdoings or simply because he was a Confederate general.

Hubby did get some plants for me, some purple flowers which I have no idea what they were but looks like tiny grape like petals and long thin leaves. Another bulb of a white daffofils. All of them looked like they do not like to be transplated and looks like they are dying in my backyard. Maybe it is the sandy soil they like the best. There were no flower bushes around the house or anything of that nature around the property.

It may be a tad far for commute but we have no intention of ever moving there, it is beautiful there...I have an uncle who lives in WV and I've been up in the mountains near Pirgitsville and it was goreous but it rained alot when we stayed there.
I think it would be awesome to live in a house that someone built loved and died in. It has a rich history!
I hope they get it rebuilt!

I love love love old homes. One of my fav attractions at stone mountain park is the The Antebellum Plantation
Got a pic of that plantation?

The closest I've ever been to a plantation down south would be one of the big oak trees for a front yard LOL! Can not remember what it was named.....Big Oaks?

I do remember the Arcadia Village in Louisiana.

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