Ancona Ducks

Craigslist :) We dont have any extra silver drakes, lots of blues this year as we are going to take some pictures of all the new girls here soon. These are not for sale :)... we could ship some other breeders or some mismarked colors that are not up to our standards
facebook, actually.

Can you PM me pics, too? I have some ducklings with too much color, so I might be interested in ducks with not enough color to balance them out.

How old are they? We're talking about the laying females, right? Or do you have males, too?

Where do you see their adult bird listing? I can't find it on their website.
I feel like one of you Ancona breeders lived in the Sprngfield, Mass. / Hartford, Ct. region? Was I delusional there?
A friend in East Hartford is looking to add a few ducks to her flock & is having trouble locating any ducklings locally.
She would prefer to avoid the feed store, and shipping.

3 of my hens decided they wanted to go broody!
I started with one. She sat for a week, then another made a nest next to her. They sat for week together, then a third decided she wanted to be included!
Now there are three of them (one more to go!), all in a row, and each has 15 eggs in her nest.

I am debating removing some of the eggs and putting in some different breeds so I don't end up with hundreds of little anconas running around. As much as I would LOVE that, I just don't have a need for THAT many!
I'm so happy to find this thread!

I found a lone Ancona duckling at the park the day after Easter. No other baby ducks anywhere around the lake we could find. It started following us so we took it home. It's 5-6 weeks old now and starting to get more white body feathers. It's extremely tame, sweet, and friendly. We are totally in love. (I'm pretty sure it's an Ancona.)

Can anyone help me figure out if it's a male or female? I have a pair of Pekin ducks and the female's loud quack was obvious, but my Ancona seems to have a different "voice" than the Pekins. The Ancona makes little whistles and chatters to us all the time. My Pekins never did that, not even when they were ducklings. I'm not sure what age the male vs. female quack becomes obvious? I can post a video of how it talks right now if that will help! It's pretty raspy right now, so maybe it's a male unless the loud quack will develop in the next few weeks.

Here's an iPhone picture of it from a few days ago. I am in love with its striped toes!


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