Ancona Ducks

Maxcine: yes, they make good mothers! Typically, we let our hens set one batch of eggs per year, just to ensure that trait is still strong. Our six yr old duck is the best mom, lots of practice. Usually around April they will get a bit broody and want to sit, but if you prefer to hatch them yourself, you can just slide them to the side and take the eggs everyday. They give up after a few days. Some take longer, like the six yr old hen, but they aren't vicious or anything.

If you decide you want some, let us know. We sell and ship ducklings every spring. We are taking orders now. You won't be disappointed in these great birds :)
Maxcine: yes, they make good mothers! Typically, we let our hens set one batch of eggs per year, just to ensure that trait is still strong. Our six yr old duck is the best mom, lots of practice. Usually around April they will get a bit broody and want to sit, but if you prefer to hatch them yourself, you can just slide them to the side and take the eggs everyday. They give up after a few days. Some take longer, like the six yr old hen, but they aren't vicious or anything.

If you decide you want some, let us know. We sell and ship ducklings every spring. We are taking orders now. You won't be disappointed in these great birds

Ok great! I'll let you know! We're deciding now we just have to get all the supplies (feed housing etc) before we commit to it. How do they do with chickens and other breeds of duck? We only have about 1/4th of an acre but we'd like to keep a few chickens and ducks. Thanks!
Maxcine: We have a large pasture with ducks, geese, chickens, and swans (even had turkeys for a while) free-ranging in it. They all get along (though they have a hierarchy of who's in charge). They are the only duck breed in which the FEMALE leads the pack, meaning they waste less time sitting by the water mating and more time out foraging. It also means they fight a lot less. The males actually pack up and run around behind the girls together.
Maxcine: We have a large pasture with ducks, geese, chickens, and swans (even had turkeys for a while) free-ranging in it. They all get along (though they have a hierarchy of who's in charge). They are the only duck breed in which the FEMALE leads the pack, meaning they waste less time sitting by the water mating and more time out foraging. It also means they fight a lot less. The males actually pack up and run around behind the girls together. 

I like these ducks already!!!
Maxcine: We have a large pasture with ducks, geese, chickens, and swans (even had turkeys for a while) free-ranging in it. They all get along (though they have a hierarchy of who's in charge). They are the only duck breed in which the FEMALE leads the pack, meaning they waste less time sitting by the water mating and more time out foraging. It also means they fight a lot less. The males actually pack up and run around behind the girls together.

Sounds like the duck for me! I better get to work making their coop and pond then lol, if they got any more perfect we'd have to drive down there and pick them up!
wondering... if I take my three 1.5 month olds out into the chicken run and let them wander a bit if I will be able to catch them to put them back in the garage? As much as we have tried they only like us when we have food and HATE to be picked up! Thanks
wondering... if I take my three 1.5 month olds out into the chicken run and let them wander a bit if I will be able to catch them to put them back in the garage? As much as we have tried they only like us when we have food and HATE to be picked up! Thanks
As long as their inside a run you should be able to catch them pretty easy. use some kind of treat I like to use dried meal worms to do any luring.

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