Ancona Ducks

m.kitchengirl :

M-m-m-MY Anconas!

The trio, out causing trouble.

Mr. B. Quackers telling his girl Fern something:

Miss Poppy:

Miss Fern:

In the pool (except Mr. B. He usually waits for his ladies to wrap up their splash fest before he jumps in). They all love the moss near the pool:

The gals:

Mr. B. looks for a treat:

He's kind of a messy chested duck in these pictures (and a lot of the time). He has been getting his adult feathers so I don't know if that is it, or the fact that he seems only half interested in getting in and acting really ducky. He does get plenty of access to clean water to dabble and swim in but seems like he is like my 6 year old son - he just doesn't mind being my little messy man.

(Yes, I am a tad partial to Mr. B. something about him got to me from the moment I saw him. Ducky love at first sight.)

they are beautiful, love the pictures.

I got Mr. B. from a breeder who has since quit breeding (I hope that wasn't for a reason, I hope Mr. B. is as pretty as I think he is.), and the gals from Kim at toadbriar. I met her here on BYC, and those ladies are the funniest, happiest little ducklings. They have never even hit that adolescent stage and Miss Fern is the boss lady. She is the first in the pool, the first to explore a new spot in the yard, the first to demand I spray her with the hose. The other 2 just let Fern lead the way. They are awesome.
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Thanks Miss Lydia.
I am in ducky love. I literally have thousands of photos of these guys. Just today my SO said "will there ever be pictures of something that DOESN'T have feathers around here again?". To which I promptly replied, "I doubt it". go, girl! I loved your response.

I love your babies....seriously, they are sooo cute. Too bad you don't live in Utah close to me...we could have playdates....throw your babies out in my field with mine and see if we can pick ours out of the bunch! They are toooo cute for words!

I am in love with mine, and am so glad that I have them. When I first found them, I kinda regretted getting the ones I have because I want ALL Anconas...though I LOVE all my babies I have. I want Lavender and Blue ones...the gal that ordered from Boondockers before me, she got one blue. We each got pure white ones....never knew they existed, but we each have one.

Thanks for 'em!
YAYAYAYAY! The girlies have grown up SO pretty!! They look like they are having a ball, and doesn't Mr B look smug?

bayyjayy my first hatch from shipped Ancona eggs, I got three pure whites out of 12 eggs. Those were the only ones that hatched! Seller had one white hen in her flock. I guess the white hen laid the most shipping-hardy eggs... but I was so bummed. The babies turned out to be 2 drakes 1 hen. The hen got grabbed by a coyote, and I rehomed the drakes to a friend's flock. My next hatch, from a different seller again shipped eggs, the first one out was again a white!
But all the rest had some color. That white boy got rehomed too. I've managed to have decent color coverage in my birds since. I think compared to other flocks I've seen, I select for a little MORE color on my birds on average... and that's why. I like the dirty faces and checkers on the chest, and a spot on the bum. Bum spot always makes me smile when they're in the water dunking with their bottom tipped up!

Here's the thing though, I wouldn't send a white to someone who was specifically looking to buy Anconas.
YAYAYAYAY! The girlies have grown up SO pretty!! They look like they are having a ball, and doesn't Mr B look smug?

They are very happy and have me trained very well.
Mr.B. and the gang are much happier since I re-homed the pair I got when I got Mr. B. (the group that were supposed to be all girls but were not) and everyone is much happier. I didn't even realize how much trouble the dominant pair caused until they moved. I was lucky to find a great family for them and they are very happy where they are.
They are very popular here on the property. I get all the neighbors over visiting now and several have decided to get chickens next year. I guess I am a trend setter.​
Weird that you got that many white ones! I had NO idea white was even an option. I was bummed when I saw a solid yellow baby in there, but I am over it...I love y white one, now. But, like you, I like more color, though I like it broken up. I love the dark faces! I just love them, period. And, my kids and I were just noticing all the spotty butts the other day when they were dunking in the pond....SOOOO cute!

This is definitely an awesome breed!
I know the white can be bred, especially to a very heavily-marked individual, but I would have to check with the buyer first. They would be excellent layers and pets, but only useful in breeding if the buyer has heavily-marked breeders to mix it with.
Hello ancona owners! My friend just gave me her ancona hen, and im gonna be getting some ancona eggs next year. But heres my girl Maize.

I really want a chocolate, and a blue ancona, but shes my only gal! I enjoyed all of you pics very much!
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