As awful as it sounds but can you video tape the attacks on this goat? That way you have proof of the cruelty. Make a copy (keep the original) and take it to the sheriff's office and demand action be taken. Also tape the dogs being out of the yard. If these dogs are that unruly, Lord knows what other behaviors they are capable of. I would fear for the safety of all the kids and animals in your neighborhood.
How can a dog rape a goat???? I would not think the dog would try to "breed" the goat except to play dominance over the that what you mean?

Poor thing! Owners need to be held accountable for that kind of treatment!
A .22 short makes hardly more noise than a pellet gun. One behind the ear of the goat...put it out of its misery, because it's apparent the law isn't goint to do anything about the owners of it.
I know it's just a goat and I know someone will try to agrue with me about what I'm about to say (good luck with that because I don't's pointless) but what has the goat done to deserve to be shot in the head??!!!???!!! If you see your neighbor's kid being abused by someone would you shoot the kid to put it out of it's misery?! I know, I know not the same thing. That goat has every right to live and if it was me I would steal it and get it a good home.
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I agree with southernchick. THe other problem with shooting the goat is that birdnutz could get a hefty fine for doing it. We dont want that. I would be for stealing it to, except for the fact that all signs would piont in that direction because of all the phone calls to police. If they did decid to steal it then they need to make curtian that NO one sees them do it, not even the other nieghbors. And then get it as far away from your house as possible. THen play dumb. I think I would shoot the dogs instead of the goat. I am waiting for a nieghbor hood dog to come back so I can put a bullet in it's head. It killed a lot of my chickens. We have a video camera and a 22. sitting side by side. With the video camera we can prove that the dog was after our chickens, and show that we only did what we had to do. Maybe if Birdnutz would video tape and then take it to the police, they might actually do something then. If that doesnt work then I would turn to the media..... It would be bad to have that tape shown to the whole town and it saying that the police refuse to do anything with it.
I can tell you that where I live if your dog comes into my yard I have the right to shoot it. We had a neighbors dog coming over here after I got my puppies, but I just aquired the chickens and I was worried, my BF went to the neighbor's house to ask them to keep it in their yard and kindly let them know that if it harmed me or my family (animals included) he would put an end to the dog. Haven't seen it since.
I'd take the 22, shoot the rope keeping the goat in the yard, and then watch it wander away from the neighbors house. Round it up later in another area and turn it in to animal control. Then go back and adopt it, nice and legal.
Hopefully it will get loose again then you know not to return it

We had a neighbor dog that was being abused the last place we lived. It was a male boxer and the owner would go away for DAYS and he would run out of water and food, so he would bark and bark etc.
I called all the authorities I could and did everything short of stealing and rehoming him myself. I used to even sneak over and feed him. Then I decided to "FREE" him by opening the gate. I did it twice but the poor pooch didn't get it and kept coming home

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