I hate hearing stories like that! Bad owners are the very reason I didn't go to vet school, I'd get loose my license for strangling someone. I've been known to stop with a round bail of hay for cows and/or horses that were starving and dumping it off in the middle of the night too. Guess the owners either would get the hint or they were too stupid to sell them if they were in a financial bind.
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Believe me if the goat gets loose again IT WIll NOT BE RETURNED!! The dog does actually rape the goat. I couldn't believe it either. I'm going to borrow my sons video camera and tape it. If they choose not to do anything then,I think I'll turn it over to our local television network. Has anyone ever heard of a citizen filing animal cruelty charges in a civil action? If I get it on tape I might see about doing that.
If the dog comes onto my property he won't bother anything again. It's still sad that the dog would have to pay the price. But I'd already made that promise to myself.
People like that drive me crazy!
Just because you've moved to the suburbs, to the country whatever, DOESN'T mean that your dogor cat can run's more likely to get squashed by a car, get lost, or attacked by a larger predator.
I agree with taping if you see the dog attacking the goat again.
I can't stand people who don't socialize or take their animals to obedience classes either. Is it better to spend a hundred bucks or to spend thousands when it attacks a small child?
I agree that it's a shame that the dog would have to suffer, but you can't shoot the neighbor.
Well DIL tried to buy him,they said no but "we know where you can get one". the goat is they're sons and he uses him for goat tying,they also said they knew that their dogs were being Ornry with him. ORNRY!!they were attacking him.
But tonight Dad was out when the kids were feeding and keeping the dogs away,so I guess it's a wait and see. you know what doesn't work... just figure out a different tactic...
hmmm...if it were me I would try and be FRIENDS with those dogs...get them used to coming to me (treats)... turn them in to the dog pound each time they did (bet those ppl wont have the money to get them out more than once)....
The heck with all this stuff, I know we all have the best of intentions, but . . . go get the goat after dark tonight and take it to the humane society yourself. . . I hate to advocate deliberately breaking the law, but there's legal, and then there's the right thing to do. :mad: It's just what I would do. God forbid I should ever meet these people in person . . . I probably end up in the pokey myself.

It's where you race on horseback to a goat, jump off and tie it's legs. Fastest person wins. Have you ever been to a rodeo and seen them do it to a cow? Kinda the same thing.

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