Animal abuse?!?

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What Happened i read all 50 posts and there is No ending OMGOSH people Comon tell me i want these people to loose their chickens to a good home and if abusing their kids for them to be in new homes happy .
I get the gist of the thread I don't like to jump on bandwagons I like my own opinions:>

I get that these people who own the birds are what we in the UK would call numpties! Ignorant people aware of what their doing since you have told them but don't care about animals like most people would people would. Also poor kids!

Anywho is their not like an RSPCA out their? In the UK the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ))) is the main authoritive charity to helping out animals in need. Is their nothing like that were you live?
Is there not an animal control where you are? I'm sure that would have been one of the first places you would look, but I'm just curious. My mom lived in a place in Tenn. that had no animal control and almost no police. You were pretty much on your own up there and if you didn't have a gun, then it was good luck to you!
I, of course, am not familiar with any kind of MO authorities; just curious. Is there no bureau of chicken protection? (I know that sounds like a joke, but seriously?) Like a chicken protection group? There are protection groups for all kinds of animals. I understand what its like to live in the country though, I also live in the middle of no where and its pretty much a free for all out here with the animals. Hopefully you'll be able to find someone to help you with them. I mean, there has to be SOMEONE.

PM me if you need the real assistance.

So I just thought about this, they started off with a dozen chickens, some turkeys and 6 ducks. They culled the ducks, and one of the chickens died. Have any of the other birds died?

There is no Animal control in my town I have called neighboring towns with no help. There are no chicken rescue groups that I have found yet. ( still madley searching) I have gotten ahold of a person that rescues animals from shelters sets them up in foster homes until they are adopted, very wonderful thing they are doing. She set me up with the MO AG dept's number so I am calling today to get this taken care of.. YAY cant wait to talk to them! Hopefully they help. She said they have to do an investigation and they usually do a drop in visit after that, unless you can tell the birds are in bad shape by looking at them and they take them right then. So far I have saved 6 of their chickens from death and both turkey otherwise they would be dead too.

So if the AG dept doesnt help I will PM you and we can get to work
So far Tammy still fighting it!!
It is hard to get connected to the right people.

Rogue you are correct that is what these people are. They are the ones that wanted me to teach them, but figured out it requires labor and well that is too much. The 3 year old runs around outside all day in a diaper with no supervision (yea cause he isnt potty trained) while the other 2 girls (who are not related to the little boy) are off to school, and they wonder why they are going to trial for child abuse and neglect
In any case I have the dept of agriculture's number finally to call today and will keep you all posted as soon as I know something.

I greatly appreciate all your concern and help and opinions, Hopefully this all works out,
I know this is silly but, sometimes we miss the obvious.

Have you tried calling the police? Asking them to recommend someone to help? Or, the game warden? These agencies usually have a list of other agents. Your local government extension office?

Just trying to help. Keep us posted.
I was very unhappy with the care of some poultry I witnessed. I seriously thought about pretending a predator got into their area and killed some of their roosters. My husband talked me out of that idea. I should have done it.
I was very unhappy with the care of some poultry I witnessed. I seriously thought about pretending a predator got into their area and killed some of their roosters. My husband talked me out of that idea. I should have done it.
Yea it is very frustrating for sure. All I want to do is get these birds some help. Were you able to help them at all?
It's shocking how often I see birds treated much differently then I treat my own. I don't agree with confining birds, but it happens more often then not. However, when it comes to feeding and watering the birds and making sure they have their BASIC needs, I would definitely take action.

I know it's not your responsibility to take care of the neighbours birds. If they won't do it, and animal control can't do a thing, I personally would continue to take care of their birds. I just couldn't stand by and watch them starve. I probably would get someone to steal the birds. I wouldn't do it myself :oops:

I recently attended a poultry show. I was in charge of feeding/watering all the birds. They said my birds would never know what hunger felt like. Everyone was very well taken care of when I was around.
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