Animal Control visited me today, of all days!

Sorry this is all I can offer
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I wanted to let people know that the Hoquiam city council voted tonight and it was a tie. Apparently the mayor can not break ties on this particular type of vote, so the issue dies until someone tries to push something else through. We are not going to get too comfortable however. We know that it will be raised again.
One person told one of the other chicken people at the meeting that this issue conveniently came at a time just after we lost a lucrative employment deal for building the pontoons for the bridge in Seattle to the town nearest to us. And the other thing that happened at the meeting was that everyone was so interested in the chicken issue that a vote to raise our water rates passes without comment. Interesting.

There was a very well spoken woman at the meeting who had her facts together and was very professional. I wish I knew who my angel was. But all together they managed to buy me and others some time. So I will use it trying to make sure that someone doesn't try to sabotage me into not being code compliant.
Use the time to get sorted on what you will do next time it comes up. Try and contact those other chicken people and others who can help you, and have something prepared to voice at the meeting, even if it is just a letter to be sent and read??
Yes. That is good advice. When I am not stressed about it, I have some pretty good ideas about what to say. So I should have it ready to go.
First off you have some wonderful ideas here. My advice now is:

Print this forum posting out.

Pray over what to do next.

Circle and prioritize what you want to do.

Happy Hatch'en thanks for coming to the call on this one and all of you.

I feel your pain on this topic and if ever anyone tried to take my birds away, I would be just torn into many many pieces.

A new Idea:

Letter to the editor.....Send it to one of us to help you in the writing of this.

Host a chicken party....I'm serious....Invite the media out for lemonade and cookies....To meet you and your birds....They would love you...Your mom could help with the refreshments.

Pray for the complaining party.....I'm very serious about this...Prayer changes people.

Don't come across MAD,,,,,Come across unglued because your chickens give you the emotional glue you and your life need. They are YOUR Pets and loves and give you eggs too!

Here's Chicken Whisperer's e mail....It's posted on his blog
It's [email protected]

His phone is Andrew 404-936-4600

Please just leave him a message. He's a wonderful champion of birds and just a great guy.

His web site for live radio broadcasts is:

You might get quite a few ideas from logging in there as well and listening.

Please know that although I'm on the other side of this country,,,,I and my small family are praying for you and I do believe that Prayer changes things. As a matter of fact, there's another idea, get some church members to help you out,,,,and to pray as well.

May God bless you and guide you on this and every venture.

Be blessed and be a blessing!
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Thanks very much. Great list, and maybe it can help others out there too.

I spoke with the other person that is specifically being targeted. We know that it is a matter of time, and that Now there may be some vandalism and other things to try to get us into trouble. We are going to try to get our poultry group up and running. I know, the fact that there are only 10 (that they know about) here raising them within view of people, that it makes it that much harder for us to prove that chickens can be raised without making trouble.

I spoke to the man that helps me with yard projects, and he is going to help me to get things ready to make my yard look better. Complaints that are made won't only be about my chickens now I am sure.

Take care all
weaveagarden, if I lived closer, I'd be over every day helping with what ever you needed to keep your chickens!!! And I'd be at those meetings with or for you!!

Praying that it stays as a dead issue!
That is great...

Well I think we need to band together somehow. This is going on all across the country. I know other people don't want to get involved. But I had hoped that other chicken people locally would help more. I guess they did have a decent showing of people.... Not a crowd and not a full house as I would have hoped. Sometimes I think extra bodies make them think about future elections and such a little more.

I just posted requesting that we have a Sticky in this area that a person can access to start compiling their facts for a fight. I hope someone does this. Not legal advice, just 1 place to look to put together some of the info to educate us enough to be able to speak up a bit, and know that our info is more accurate than, "I can't remember where I read it, But I think it was something like......."
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