Animal Control visited me today, of all days!

Love it!

Just wanted to say I am voting for you, weaveagarden. We keep chickens illegally here, though no complaints so far. Such bs in my mind. They're chickens for crying out loud. Sigh. Anyway, I'm glad it stalemated and I hope it goes well if it comes up again.

Well, they managed to pass a new one. 8 chickens.... No roosters. They didn't release the agenda to the web until the day after the meeting. Sort of snuck it by all of us. I don't know how they got all of the other council members to pass it, but it was unanimous.

They did take away the 50 feet from the neighbors rule. So now it is 10 feet from the fence line. So more people can have chickens..... Just a limit of 8. Not too bad, but I really need my rooster in order to have a true flock. I am still going to try to see if I can't get them to Grandfather me in with 12-18 and a rooster.

I plan to get statements from my neighbors, a letter from doctor about how much they have helped my health, and plan to make a few changes to my yard to help to show how important this is to me. Wish me luck!
Do all roosters crow? Are there any breeds where they don't? If there were then perhaps you might consider breeding them.

I sure hope you can get them to grandfather you in.
What I find truly amazing is somee of you guys live in areas where code and zoning enforcement can tell you to cut your grass, paint your house, clean your fence. And you all allow that interferance in your life. I am afraid I'd be the one that would get the visit weekly. I don't think I could make it in such an area.

To the original poster: goodluck I hope you can be grandfathered.
Pinky, the only rooster I have now has only crowed at one time. 2 days ago at age 4 months. The flock was knee deep in mud, and no food until noon. He just had to tell me, I think.

Of all of my roosters, he seemed to get that a rooster crowed and within a couple of days it disappeared from the flock. I would see him running around trying to shut the other guys up. At one point, when I picked up another rooster to check on a possible cut to his foot, Pinky nipped me and was all fluff and feathers trying to get me to put him down. That is when I decided that he was the one to keep. He was so protective of everyone in the coop. I hate to loose such a great rooster.

I don't think there are any non-crowing breeds. There is a long crower - Tomaru .... Check out Sandhill Hatchery If quiet is the goal, stay away from that one.
The funny thing is that with my disorder and my depression that went along with it, I had a difficult time keeping up on the lawn and exterior (Well, the interior too if I am honest) cleanliness. (The chickens have helped that quite a bit.) Not a peep about any of that until I got chickens. The woman living behind me has a drive through window that she sells drugs out of (I kid you not). That isn't enough to get anybody coming down on her. But after I got chickens, I was told that my blackberries had to come down off of my back fence - right across the alley from her drive through. Apparently, that was more offensive than what she is doing. Now I have a great view of her enterprise..... Great (insert sarcasm!!!!!)

I would love to move out of town, but that is too expensive for me. I am barely making it here at this little run down house. I do love my house, and most of my neighbors. Hopefully things will improve soon. We are all hoping the one neighbor decides to move. But that is unlikely. She has been here for many years.
I had no Idea there were areas like this.
I would not like it at all if someone was coming on to my property telling me when to cut my grass
or when to paint my fence. The way I see it is when they make my mortgage payment they can tell me what to do.Until then, move on. I hope you get grandfathered in and are able to keep your roo. Good luck.
Virtually all cities have a maximum grass height and or prohibit the growth of specified weeds and plants (usually also a state-wide list of noxious plants, such as Morning Glory vines are prohibited in Arizona, many Arizona cities prohibit planting olive trees, bermuda grass and other non-native pollinators that are highly allergenic).

The amount of control over asthetic issues such as paint and style varies dramatically. The goal is to prevent blight and declining values.
I have no problem with very specific rules in an area where you have moved in to, such as a formal housing area. I live in a small town of less than 8,000 people. Average house age is probably 40-50years. And the average house cost is probably about $100,000. Many are much lower. There are a few formal gated communities on the hill here. I am sure they have rules already in place about chickens.

The city council is just now starting to write rules on specific animals (namely chickens). There are only 9 people in this town that they know to have chickens. They already have nuisance laws for noise and for smells and accumulated feces. This new ordinance is simply unnecessary and needlessly restrictive. I bet people would really start to crow if they suddenly said no male dogs.

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