Animal Control visited me today, of all days!

Hey i have a ideal for you find yourself a henny rooster and tell them you dont have roosters since the henny breed of chickens look like hens lol they still crow but you can deny its yours
I never heard of that breed.
They can write tickets and fine me. But it would be interesting to see hat the judge would do with it!???

You are evil.......... I do have some thoughts. If somebody wanted to challenge their right to not grandfather in existing flocks, I'm in a perfect position. If my request for a variance due to special circumstances doesn't work, I will have to decide if I am up to the task of fighting city hall.
It depends on how they choose to write the ordinance. If it is a change to zoning rules, probably not; if it is covered under other types of rules that apply regardless of where you live (such as, for example, changing the ordinances relating to noise levels, vagrancy, park hours/rules, permits, garbage pickup, utility services, etc.) they may well be able to take them.
Hello newbie here and just found this post and was wondering how things turned out for you I also live in town and have chickens I know the rule is 15 here and there is no rule about a rooster I also have disabilities and I know my chickens make me get up in the morning I have to feed the and take care of them I am just hoping that things worked out for you.
Hey there schellie!
Where abouts do you live?

Well, they have made it 8 hens only. No males of any kind. They relaxed some rules on the distance from the fence line and from the neighbors. So I have to cut my flock by 2/3 and get rid of my very responsible and quiet roo. My neighbors are now able to get chickens if they like, because it used to be that you pretty much had to have a corner lot or double lot.... And they you still not qualify. So some people won, some lost.... I mostly lost. But I am going to try to appeal to their humanity and will also enlist the help of neighbors who like my chickens. I have till December 31st to make changes.
here's a suggestion on how to sort of reduce your flock at the same time keeping them close to you!

if you have close neighbors that like your chickens, have them take a few in as their own! get them to have a chicken tractor to move them around so a neighbor can't complain about the distance to the fence.

i currently have 3 cockerels that are crowing and i live on a 1/2 acre lot (4th youngster not crowing yet-about 7wks old). i have them all in my walkout basement and keep their area clean. i let them outside during the day when they shouldn't bother anyone and i am with them when they are out there. and anyone that is bothered by the noise and says something will be reminded that noise enforcement in our area is only after 10pm till 6am. we hear more noise from the traffic going by in front of our houses at all hours!

my boys don't seem to crow when i've had them outside to play around for a few hours. i hear them when they want to be fed or have some play time out of their pens, and then it is just happy cackling once they are out.

this is my way around the complaining neighbors when it comes to roos.
WeaveAGarden, I just wanted to let you know I truly feel for you. The pea soup thing you described, I went through that when my thyroid was underactive. When you're in your living room and relaxed, thoughts seem to come easily, but then they disappear. When you have to explain yourself (like to a doctor), you're just one big blank. I know how awful and frustrating this feels.

If it would work, perhaps you could cut and paste from this thread, especially from the first couple of pages. Copy them to a Word document, so at least they are there. Then you can have your mom check to make sure it is cohesive and she can deliver it personally to the Mayor with a photo of you.

Your first comments about what is going on and WHY you need these chickens were all very well written, easily understood, and can stand on their own.

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