Animal cruelty? Ducks with no drinking water... *Furious*

I'm sure she IS dumb but in this situation I think that she A) Knew about my chat with the man B) Saw me watering the ducks next door and C) Was hyped up to be a grump and act like she actually gave a crap (by refusing something wasn't good for them, as if I was offering them a hotdog). Maybe I'm just reaching because I'm mad but I do have a very strong Chicago accent and I'm in the rural south. I stick out like a sore thumb so maybe that was the reason behind her aggression toward me as if she felt I was trying to act superior. I don't know. I wasn't trying to, although I now see that I clearly am. But that is not what it's about. At the end of the day, her nastiness toward me has ZERO bearing on the fact that she was abusing these poor animals. It's bad enough that their fate is probably not good but they should absolutely NOT suffer. Boy I wish I had the means to take them home.

This past feb. I went to my first show, beautiful birds inside well cared for, then went outside to look at birds for sale, their were Turkeys in cages to small to turn around and like you said ducks crammed into cages where if they'd had water only the ones right next to the bucket could have gotten any, small chicks to young to be without heat sitting out in the cold mist. [they probably all died from exposure.] I was so sad that the contrast from in and out was so big. Don't get me wrong some had their birds under cover and not crammed together, but most didn't, I swore I would never go to another show because it's so heart breaking to see the way animals are treated. All they were to these people was money.
Mrs. Turbo :

I am not sticking up for anyone at the flea market, but if we are selling ducks somewhere and we give them an endless supply of water all they do is play in it, make a mess and then they are swimming in mud. There would also be people complaining about our muddy ducks. We do water them on a regular basis and provide shade if it is hot also only takes about 3 minutes for the water to get dirty.
So.....point is....just because you dont see fresh water in the cage doesn't mean they didn't just have some water. On the other hand there are people that DO NOT provide water at all and that is not cool.

I get it, ducks are total piggies! I was totally giving that benefit of the doubt. They were in a cage with a floor, no access to mud. The first time I saw a bucket that was bone dry with dirt and straw. When I came back about 15 minutes later there was about 3 inches of black liquid mixed with straw in the bucket. The Pekins were only about 5-6 weeks old and the bucket stood about 10" high so they did offer water them after I walked away and the ducks probably sucked it down as far as they could reach. They obviously needed more. But why was it black if there was no mud around and why was help refused? They were still panting.​
yeah anyway? You just wanted to help? Why didnt she say yes? They were thirsty! Poor little pekins :'(
Personally, I like the idea of calling your local news channel. Seriously.....Think about it. How better to shed light on something.
Not with our little hero standing by!
That is disgusting. like, nauseating and so sad-makes-me-want-to-cry disgusting. If I could Id buy them all hehe but you might not be able to do that. i agree with the idea of going back, take pictures or a video, and send it to your local newstation. theyd have a field day with it.
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I am going back tomorrow to get pics and video. I have a friend in the local media that will be able to steer me regarding who to contact. There is NO way I will let them twist anything.

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