Animal cruelty? Ducks with no drinking water... *Furious*

I think you did the right thing, 2 weeks ago I was in a very long line it was 110 degrees out I had my dog with me we was waiting to get her rabies shot and we all had to wait along the side walk outside till it was our turn. My dog is an American bull dog and the lady had 2 yorkies she gave them water. I had water in the truck but she walked up with a bowl and asked if she could give my dog water from her bottle of water. I didnt want to be rude so I said sure and of course my dog lapped it up. I saw it as a kind act , she didn't have to offer at all but she did.

I would like to think there are more people like this in the world. It makes me sad as a duck owner to think of a duck without water in a small cage
and for that matter any animal. No animal should have to go without water or food EVER ! I hope you have good luck getting the SPCA involved.
Here they cancelled the July and August swap meets altogether, and the reason I heard was because people were not taking good enough care of their animals in the heat. I can't understand it hard it is to bring a bowl or coop cup and a bottle of water??? You can be sure they either brought something for themselves or money to go to the food stand!
I agree 100% with Mrs Turbo and Speckledhen!!! Think long and hard before you contact any agency or group. I hate to say it but most the time bringing in the big guns just shuts down the WHOLE show PERIOD! I have seen this firsthand ! Not just the ones that are bad (which thankfully are few and far between) I personally think you take it up with the owner and no one else. After all isnt just the problem her?Then you have done the right thing without affecting others. Ever heard of the domino effect. There are getting to be more people that would rather NOT have ANY of us keeping any animals. Think of all the cities now that dont allow ducks or chickens in the back yard because of ONE person not being good to his birds and ONE person wanting to make it right. But when that one person cant make the bad one change he or she goes to the news,PETA, etc. and it gets shut down altogether. Again, all Im sayin is think before you react and think of what your reactions will bring.(whether intended or not) And we all know you have the right intentions.
Good luck with it. I hope you have fun at all the shows,auctions and the like. Also edited to say what duckluck said. Its easier to cancel them shows (right or wrong) sadly thats just the way it is. So EVERYONE know this.
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This disclaimer: I did not see the ducks in question, so don't know what they looked like.

But consider these issues. Ducks do not need water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can go without for a couple of hours.

If the air temperatures are hot, it is hot out, and a drink of water is not going to lower the air temperature. Shade is what is needed for heat, not necessarily water. You can force 2 gallons of water down a duck's throat and he will not be one degree cooler if it is 100 degrees outside.

If the coops had water cups, then the vendors were giving water. If they never gave water, they wouldn't bother to have water cups or buckets in the coops.

I would never ever allow anyone I don't know to give food or water to any animal or child of mine. The world is full of crazy people and sometimes you can't tell by looking at them. An organized group that "takes care of animals" went around a dog show in California and put anitifreeze into all the dog's water dishes and announced "better dead than living in a cage".

If you don't know someone really well, do not allow them to feed anything to your pets.
My intention is not to get "shows" closed down. I am not out to ruin the time of people that care about their animals. This flea market was riddled with deplorable conditions and, more impactfully, an illegal act. Owner and management alike need to be taught that the rules apply (I see that some of you clearly understand this concept (will I get points for saying that?)). This flea market *should* be shut down but that is not my intent either. I found people abusing animals to the point of breaking the law and I am going to stand on the nearest mountain and scream it until it stops. I am not a crazy activist, I choose my battles as I realize I cannot change the world. But you know what? if I can stop one person from treating her animals like garbage, I will. I have the time, money, brains, contacts and HEART.

As far as raining on everyone else's parade... I'll put this into perspective, if someone is caught dealing drugs at a bar, this may or may not affect those merely having a beer and pizza with friends. Either they won't be affected because they aren't doing anything wrong and life goes on, or the bar get closed down and the innocents can go to a place where the slime hasn't been allowed to crawl.
It was hot, they were panting, their "water vessel" was full of mud, lumpy straw filled mud. I offered water from a *new sealed bottle*. I asked her permission and she got aggressive with me. In fact as she started to mouth off I started to hand her the new bottle so she could do it herself. She was not protecting those birds. She was harming them and was obviously looking for a fight. I can understand if the water just ran out and they didn't notice. How does one defend telling me if I wanted them watered I'd have to buy them?
It was hot, they were panting, their "water vessel" was full of mud, lumpy straw filled mud. I offered water from a *new sealed bottle*. I asked her permission and she got aggressive with me. In fact as she started to mouth off I started to hand her the new bottle so she could do it herself. She was not protecting those birds. She was harming them and was obviously looking for a fight. I can understand if the water just ran out and they didn't notice. How does one defend telling me if I wanted them watered I'd have to buy them?

I would have hated to be those ducks and have to go home with that person.
We all KNOW your intent is not to get the "shows" closed down. But you need your "perspective" looked at. Say the "bar/flea market" is shut down because of your actions. Unintentional or not. Are you gonna open that new"bar/flea market"for the innocents?, Do these innocents HAVE another "bar/flea market" CLOSE BY them when that one gets shut down by you? Again unintentional or not. Did you really READ my post? The reason this is dear to MY heart is because basically that is what has happened here because of the same deal. Now our area only has one "show. And rest assured its not perfect. But for nowIll take this only one over NONE in my whole region." My last post on this thread. Good luck with what you decide to do about the situation. Just something to "think"about.
The whole part about water is not good for them made me think, "Their ducks. Ducks are water-fowl.... water-fowl. Their is a reason their called water-----fowl." People these days.

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