Animal Hoarding ((alert))

I wanted to chime in on the feline leukemia tests.

Unless your cats are exposed to other cats that could have it, there is no danger of them having it and vets around here are constantly asking if my 6 cats tested negative for this and that. The most bogus tests out there are FIV (which can be misleading) and Feline leukemia, neither of which are widespread unless you have a cat that fights a lot and roams and interacts with other cats. My indoors-only cats have no chance of getting any of these horrible things but my vet always asks about it. It's an easy way for them to make $100 per cat, and most people pay it because they don't know any better.

Get your vaccinations (especially rabies) surely, but there is NO vaccination and NO cure that always work on FeliLuke or FIV.

I do most of my own vetwork now - except rabies.
I think that hoarding does not always mean the animals are mistreated or malnourished. If you are a breeder and providing legal minimal care and selling them I would say you are not a hoarder. If you have 100 cats and not selling them and they are taken care of you might be a hoarder but can afford them but hoarder never the less. Maybe a collector but there is definitely a screw loose.
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Welcome to Illinois Land of Corruption

Illinois never ceases to amaze me!

Anyways, glad that I could bring attention to this plight. It's always good to reassess your situation, because it is a slippery slope, any kind of hoarding. You may not think it could happen to you until one day you are knee deep in chicken poop.
Be sure to watch your fellow BYCer's as well. If it seems like they are overwhelmed, feel ABSOLUTELY free to talk with them about it.
In Indiana it is required for cats and dogs to have rabies. Dogs go outside could possibly come into contact with rabies...totally understandable. Cat never leaves the house....why vacinate? I guess in case they do get outside.. I need to go to vet school!
Would you clarify that bolded statement, please? It makes no sense as written. Thanks.

ETA, I mean what happens if they are truly sick?

That seems obvious to me. Probably takes them to the greedy vet at that time. Might not be an A on her homework for some, but it makes perfect sense.
Would you clarify that bolded statement, please? It makes no sense as written. Thanks.

ETA, I mean what happens if they are truly sick?

We take them to Luv my Pet clinics at Petco. For $50 you can get all their basic shots and paperwork. A rabies vaccine there is $15, and at our vet it was $30. We take them to the vet if they have any sign of illness or injury that we cannot take care of. We also took all of our cats to the local animal rescue where they do spaying and neutering for $30. We have 9 cats and two dogs, and it was not making sense for us to take them to the vet every year just to pay $70-$100 each just to have the vet say they are fine.
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