Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

Oh, I am subscribing to this thread....I love puppies!!! Best wishes for you and Annie!!!! Can you go to work and recieve an emergency phone call should she finally decide to deliver?? Oh, I so feel for you...hope all goes well...and you get to be there!!! Keep us posted!!!
I just called into work. My manager Amy answered I told her why and everything, then had a 20 minute conversation about puppies and if there are more then the ones already reserved she wants one! Woohoo! I feel much better now, but now that I called in she probably won't even have them. Also my guinea pigs are out of food. Would it be okay to give them rabbit food for a day or two? I keep giving them celery and carrots but they are squeaking up a storm! Closest place to get gpig food is walmart where I work which is a half hour drive, and I prolly shouldn't show up there as I called in.
Oh good at least your manager understands.

Any changes yet? I bet she goes with in 24 hours. The whole temp drop, digging, and shivering.
You'll be posting tonight that you have puppies coming.
No changes, She is standing here staring at me. The house is awake now as DH is awake has the tv on and the light on. She is panting and shivering at the same time. He went out to do the chores I didn't get done this morning and she is upset she didn't get to go. No other updates, Should I take her temp again or not.
Well nothing much to update. DH keeps stealing computer so I am left just sitting her stairing at her, she is still shiviring and panting off and on, was asleep deeply till I tried to get her two front nails cut (they are really long but for whatever reason she does not want me cutting them lately) I finally just grabbed her held her and cut them, she is upset about it, but at least they are not so long she is going to hurt a puppy, or me if she accidentally stands on me or them.

She is now commiserating with my DH.

will update with temp next time she lays down.
It sounds like the early stages of labor. It still may be a day away though. I can't wait to hear a temp update AND how many puppies there actually are.

I gave my dog yogurt for the calcium boost and I gave some small amounts between puppies (like a spoonful).
Temp was 98.0 at 2:30. Her vulva is much more swollen, almost twice the size as this morning. She has been doing some more digging, lots and lots of panting and shivering. She is also being a chow hound, much unlike usual. She won't eat dog food but has eaten the cottage cheese, four treats and a dorito chip DH gave her. I moved her pool/whelping box over by the tv, and put like four layers of puppy pads in it. After a bit of digging and turning she is kind of setteled, she is now kind of rolling, sliding her self along on her side. She has been trying to lick her lady bits but can't reach and so licks the carpet, or her belly instead. She is up again now, turned and is laying on the other side. Seems hard for her to get comfortable. The cats look confused, her best buddy Andy keeps checking on her to see whats going on.

She is now out of the pool again, sitting by the couch, should I keep putting her back in? I have my whelping kit out on the coffee table, the heating pad in my ready box, but not plugged in till i see contractions. She has now laid down by the couch, poor thing just can't get comfortable and keeps shivering, and asking to go out, but then does nothing and stands by the door. I have not let her out unattended in two days. Her last wee was around 2.

She is now behind my chair, I will go put her back in box in a minute here.

Stay with me, keep checking in, I like to know you guys are here to answer my questions and keep me company!
The panting, shivering and restlessness is def stage 1 labor. Can last a long time, though. What was her temp last night?

The thing to really watch for is her water breaking. After her water breaks hard labor (strong contractions and pushing) should start within an hour. If hard labor doesn't start within an hour or she is straining noticably and does not produce a puppy within 30 minutes call your vet as she may be in trouble!

Best of luck for an easy and speedy whelping.

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