Annie's thread- Five puppies! LOTS of PICS on page 10!

Temp when I got home was 99.5. She has been clingy and there was more mucus dried on her vulva when I took it. Otherwise nothing new. Will update you if something exciting happens.

I'm excited for you!

And this made me laugh SO loud that my BF wanted to know what was going on in here. LOL

Scale didn't come today. We are getting excited though, DH said today he gets to name half the puppies, I said fine as long as you don't pick body parts or clothing names ( he tried to name our cat Bra)​

Hes a goof, but I told him its not his fault I blame his parents, He was the youngest of four kids and never got to name any pets, I said if you have pets to name then you slowly learn to name them correctly! LOL My first dog was Pooh Bear, My first Cat Shadow, I had a bunny named Bun Bun, but then slowly learned how much fun it is to give cool names to them. DH is making me super right now so I shouldn't make fun. He's a sweety and hopefully if she has a large litter he will learn to name things correctly, or we will have a litter with names like Bob, Joe, Sue, Bark, Rough, and Spot!

I am also so excited! I just wish she would hurry up and have them, all I dream about any more is PUPPIES!!!!
HELP! I think it might be time, but I have thought that so many times I am doubting myself. I went out to do chores this morning, letting her have the run of the fenced yard, chores where cut short when all I got done was yelling "NO ANNIE!" as she tried to dig in the flower bed, behind the dog house , in the basement window well and in my daffodills! SO we came in, she ate a bacon treat, and I took her temp, which was 98.6, lower then it has been for a while. She is now laying on the floor shivering, (this is a sign of labor correct?) I still can see pups moving, and I don't see contractions yet, but she occasionally kicks with her back legs, for a few minutes I was terrified of eclampsya(sp?) but I looked it up in all four books, though shivering can be a sign, they all also say stiff gate, muscle twitches, and a few other things as well.

So tell me... is it labor??? I hope to know for sure soon so I can call into work if it is!
Laying by the tv streached out kind of. She is on her side, but still has one foot tucked uner her, the other is half streached out, her tail is in an odd curled position like not straight out like usual, but not touching her back end either, still shivering. I thought I might of seen a contraction, but there is still one puppy turning around or kicking, it was above where the pup is at, but I am not sure if it was a contraction or a puppy. She keeps moving from one place to another, I would rather she not have them on the floor, but if I sit down in her box she stand outside it and puts her front feet on my leg. still not wanting to go in it.
I just gave her some cottage cheese. Some people on a UK breeder forum I belong to told me too. To keep her calcium up. She is eating it. She loves cottage cheese.

I guess I better call work then. I just so hope this isn't a false alarm. I don't want to get in trouble at work.
Does Annie ususally dig when she is outside? I ment to ask that before.
I had a husky/chow given to me years ago that ended up being pregnant and when I put her out one morning she proceeded to go under the deck and start digging. I thought that was odd of her and brought her in the basement. About 6 hours later I heard her yelp and went to check her only to find her having the first pup.
Becareful about feeding her some dogs will vomit to clear their stomachs before labor really starts.
No she is not usually a digger, thats why I thought it odd this morning with all the digging I just don't know. One minute I am sure she will have a puppy any minute then its like she doesn't even seem to be in labor. I just took her for a walk around the yard, she was very energetic, I brought her back into the fence and turned her loose off the lead, she procedded to take a really long pee. Like she peed then stopped an stood up then squated again and peed some more, then after she was done she still had a few drops coming out. She ran for the corner of the yard and tried to dig some more, I brought her back in, she ate another bacon treat and is now laying on the floor by the tv, shivering again. I am considering moving the pool there, but, I think she would just then lay where it is now. I sat in there and she stood in there, she just doesn't want to be in there at the moment.

I can't decide if I should call in or not. I hate to leave them shorthanded, but I don't want to miss this either.

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