Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

I guess I can no longer sell birds or eggs because I'm not 18
We decided that it wouldn't be good to allow edits of listings because someone may be in the process of bidding as you are editing and that can potentially cause a lot of problems.

If you make a mistake, cancel the listing and start a new one (the closed listing won't count against you).
I didn't read through all of this, but I did just take a look at the BSA page for hatching eggs and noticed that out of the top ten or 15 posts, only *ONE* has their state listed, which is the first thing I look at, prior to breed! I want to know if it's one I'll risk my money on, and proximity is crucial.

Can we reiterate that or somehow mandate/enforce the listing requirements for long enough to crate good habits?

I have a Q about the Auction System;
Howcome on the left of the thread title it says 'Auction' even though it's sometimes a 'BuyItNow' Or Listing?
As part of the new system, the image to load in the auction box has to be done like this...from the announcement: 5. Enter a link to an image of the item (must be in the format

If they are using an IMG as we do inside a "thread/post", this is why you are seeing the red x box. Hopefully folks will catch on soon and upload the correct link for the photos to appear correctly. There is nothing wrong with your browser.

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