Announcing A Brand New Buy Sell Auction System!

No announcement just yet, but we'll definitely have something solid in place soon (well in time for Spring busyness) to accommodate those that want to have a lot of listings
cool thanks is there anyway to keep up with the ten right now are the old ones going to delete or is the # post going to go back down when your month is up.
I don't like the auction system as it doesn't just go up to the max you would pay when someone bids against you. What you put for your max is what you actually bid even if the next person is $100.00 lower than you.
Yes, that's fine to have them post there, but note: That old format will not be updated or "promoted" since there are a lot of inherent problems with it. We encourage everyone that is selling through BYC to use the new system since it is better organized and the built-in-feedback system is much better organized.
Maybe I have overlooked this detail but is there a way to see that an auction has ended or is closed from the index screen? It is a bummer to see a listing that was posted only hours ago only to learn after clicking on it that the listing has ended due to a "buy now".
By "index screen" do you mean the front page index of the forum or the particular index for the specific BSA section?

We're working on a way to either note which are ended or automatically move listings that have ended.

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