I can't keep any duck eggs in the fridge here! I live in rural IA, but not far from a university city and I have a few regular Asian customers now. They tell me duck eggs are what they grew up on and they have a hard time finding them here. Also, Asian grocery stores. I've had a ton of luck on Facebook marketplace, but be aware, their autobots will flag it at first because it thinks you're selling an animal. Just say that you're selling eggs to eat and then it's no problem afterwards. Aas others have mentioned, Craigslist too. Of course now everybody is molting so not as many eggs after I built up all these customers.
I can't keep any duck eggs in the fridge here! I live in rural IA, but not far from a university city and I have a few regular Asian customers now. They tell me duck eggs are what they grew up on and they have a hard time finding them here. Also, Asian grocery stores. I've had a ton of luck on Facebook marketplace, but be aware, their autobots will flag it at first because it thinks you're selling an animal. Just say that you're selling eggs to eat and then it's no problem afterwards. Aas others have mentioned, Craigslist too. Of course now everybody is molting so not as many eggs after I built up all these customers.
Thank you very much for the reminder! - I need to speak to the Asian-market store here in Charleston asap.
Confession: I can't tell the difference between the taste of duck and chicken eggs. :oops: Though I did see a exotic meat site selling 1 dozen Pekin duck eggs for $20.
I can distinguish between a duck and a chicken egg, but only in direct comparison. To be honest, comparing eggs from tortured, malnourished chickens with eggs from healthy, happy free ranging ducks is not fair: I had the chance to try eggs from my neighbors chickens, also happy free ranging hens with my duck's eggs and there is very little difference.
Would you serve me a duck instead of a chicken egg, when i would not expect to be served a duck egg, i wouldn't notice.

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