Another broken toe - with a twist...

Crazie Eddie

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
I have a hen with a broken toe, but it appears the end of the toe has been wrenched almost off. The nail is facing backwards and when I wiggled it, it started bleeding at the joint. She's eating and hobbling around, but the foot is hot compared to the other. Should I try to amputate it, try to set it or just let it be? So much for chickens being "easy"!
If the bone is broken through and it's just hanging by skin, it will rot and make her sicker. I would probably snip it off with scissors, use some flour to stop the bleeding if needed, then keep it gunked up with Neosporin or something like it, once or twice a day. Be sure not to use an antibiotic ointment with a "caine" drug such as cetacaine, benzocaine, etc. I'd also put her in my bathtub til it heals up. Even some systemic antibiotics might be a good idea.
Many thanks Judy - looks like I'll be setting up a hospital ward. As for systemic antibiotics would adding some amoxicillin (for fish) in her water dish be sufficient?
The operation was a success and Mildred is resting comfortable in the infirmary. The foot in question was much cooler, and I think she'll make a full recovery. Thanks again for your help!

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