Another Broody! What Would You Do Here?

By all means put the EE eggs under. I would love to have 2 or three.
But at the rate I spent on the way to you they would be very expensive little ones. Folks I got a 151 dollar speeding ticket going to speckled hens Mon. LOL Too excited and not watching my speed. He really should have cut it some. It was my first.
Seriously I would put the ees under the hen. I doubt I could go and pick up anymore. My hb says enough for now. Jean
I'd have a hard time trusting a first time broody with the more important eggs.

I've got 3 girls....a buff orp, one of my BLRW and one of my Marans...who are broody right now. I'm trying to break them tho.
You know, if it was my older Buff Orp, Sunny, I'd put anything under that girl. Same for my Olivia or Glenda. I think I may just put all the EEs under Dusty for now. Nugget has five EE's and two Blue Orpingtons under her. If a third does go broody, I may just have to break her up, if I can. Appreciate the input, folks. If one of the other Blue Orps lays tomorrow, I may shove those under her as well as the EEs, but I think the bunch of Orps I had already collected will go in the bator since I probably have a buyer for those.
Good luck Cyn! Those broodies can be a lot of work, huh. lol At least you can satisfy their urges and keep em happy.
Well, after racking our brains to see where we could put Dusty if we removed her from the coop, we decided to see if we could break her up, so Tom went out and took her growly self off the nest. He placed her up on the roost with the others and I guess we'll see if she's back on the nest in the morning. Oh, well. I think we should build a bank of broody pens all in a row. Then we wont have this issue. Let's hope no one else tries to go broody for awhile.
It's that time of year!! Yeah!! I think I have one going Broody she won't leave the nestbox this evening when I close them in so I'm setting some of my BBS if she stays this way!!
I have one hen that just hatched last Wednesday, and now yesterday I have another one going broody! The good thing is that the hen that hatched last week only stays with her babies for about 4 weeks, then I get to brood them
At least I'll have somewhere to put this broody game!!

I personally would set the EE eggs under her, but I haven't had any problems with first time broodies. Except for our standard cochin hen, she kept breaking eggs with her big booty!!

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