Another one of these days…


5 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
Some days our ducks like to try out their borders and our patience and today was one of these days again here in Big Chimney: It all started with the three drakes from Katharina's clutch (not even four months old!) trying to beat up Erpelchen, the Buff Orpington Drake just after sunset. Now Erpelchen for sure is no saint, but even he doesn't deserve to be beaten up by his own sons who are all significantly larger than him by now, so it was hose-time…
Three soaking wet drakes later i was surrounded by four hungry White Layer Ducks demanding their supper, now! - Blanca Duck even tried to eat my pants! So i took one of the flimsy white $-store bins, dropped in a handful of sunflower-seeds - ok, ok Blanca just shut the duck up, i put in two handfuls…
Grabbed and shredded ½ red-kale, added some warm water and six spoons of cat food - No Blanca! Six spoons and not a single kibble more! - So duck-dinner is ready.
All ducks are waiting in front of the patio for the evening ritual - where the heck is Limpy?
»Rasp! Raaasp! Rrrraaasp!« From the pool. - »Limpy get out of there, everybody is waiting for you!« (Of course in German, translation for y'all courtesy.)
»Rasp!« - Hiding behind the rim of the pool… »Limpy i saw you! Get out or i take the hose!«
Silence! (And i swear all duck were smiling!) - So i took the garden-hose and shot some bursts of water into the direction of the pool. - No reaction… »Limpy! What's wrong are you sick boy?«
Concerned i walked up the muddy, slippery hill to the pool and with one jump Limpy was out and ran to the other ducks - woof!
Carefully walked back down the hill (i swear i saw the ducks smiling!), grabbed the flimsy white $-store bin with the duck-supper and held it down so the gourmet's could pre-taste their dinner. Then it was time for "All ducks go sleeping now!" and all ducks nicely lined up and started running towards the duck-house.
Everybody went inside, except three half dry drakes who made a sharp left turn in the very last moment and b-lined to the pool, splash, splash, splash! - Rasp! Rasp! Rasp! Heads bobbing…
Here we go again! Set the flimsy white $-store supper-bin owl aside (loud protest from Blanca Duck!) and walked towards the garden-hose: »You guys have 10 seconds to get out of that pool or else…« Pfft! Being ignored! So i showered them, sprayed them, cursed them, threatened them with the freezer and the pressure cooker - NADA! :tongue
Walked up the muddy, slippery hill to the duck-pool again, which was now even wetter and slipperier due to repeated use of the garden-hose and the last few steps i had to crawl on all four, fuming. Then the drakes got their revenge on me: Splashing the dirty, ice cold pool water all over me until i somehow slid down the hill - still on all four… :sick
All the other ducks were out of the house again, watching the scene - except for Blanca trying to reach for the supper bowl. - I swear i heart them giggling!
Red spots in front of my eyes i yelled »Oh wait i go and get the flash-light of doom!« :mad:
Ran into the house to search that bright LED-flashlight that the ducks fear more than a pack of raccoons, dashed back outside and
Twenty four ducks were standing in their house, looking at me as if they were saying »Ey humon! Where have you been? We are waiting here for our dinner since an eternity. Now hurry up!« :plbb
And i swear they all had a big smile in their faces!:barnie

Starting tomorrow the »flashlight of doom« will be dangling from my belt when i bring them to bed!
Dang Ducks!
Haha! I loved reading this! :lau:gig:lau
Trust me: I was not laughing! It was arctic cold outside (3°C/37F) and i was just wearing a T-shirt and jogging-pants because i "just" want to put the ducks to bed.
Trust me: I was not laughing! It was arctic cold outside (3°C/37F) and i was just wearing a T-shirt and jogging-pants because i "just" want to put the ducks to bed.
Haha! I feel you! :lau:lauthe chickens run around my yard while I TRY to put them up, while it’s argh 30 degrees F with me only dressed in short sleeves and shorts because the house is warm! :gig
:gig I thought it was only my weird ducks that were afraid of flashlights! :D
Nope! I don't even have to turn it on! If they just see that blue cylinder in my hand they are scared and that bright spot on the ground, moving faster than they can run is the scariest thing in the whole universe…

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