Ant poison options

Ant bait = ant killer. Amdro has a poison and a growth inhibitor to destroy the colony.
If It's NOT Fire Ants , how about get some chickens they eat ants
At the risk of sounding dumb, I see so many different ants I really don’t know which is what. I’m pretty sure these are fire ants because they look mean and whenever I do get bit it stings. All I know is that I’ve got an ant mound problem that is starting to get out of control and before I free ranged my ducks and geese I always put out granules but the ants would just move.
My husband wants some chickens bad ironically lol. We’re just not prepared for them right now. No coop yet.
Hi, all!
I was curious to see if anyone had any success with ridding ants where waterfowl free range. I always have a problem with ant mounds in the yard and now that I let my ducks and geese free range, I’m not sure what to use that would work and be safe. I’ve tried the diatomaceous earth powder and I’m not impressed with it. There are still ants and I find new small mounds next to it. If I didn’t have so many I’d just let it be but it’s getting annoying to where I have to watch where I walk. Anyone have recommendations on what works for them with waterfowl free-ranging?
At the risk of sounding dumb, I see so many different ants I really don’t know which is what. I’m pretty sure these are fire ants because they look mean and whenever I do get bit it stings. All I know is that I’ve got an ant mound problem that is starting to get out of control and before I free ranged my ducks and geese I always put out granules but the ants would just move.
My husband wants some chickens bad ironically lol. We’re just not prepared for them right now. No coop yet.
We have fire ants here. The only way I heard of getting rid of them, other than using poisons is boiling water, fire, baking soda, borax, or take a mound of dirt from one nest and throw them on the other. Suppsed to incite ants to kill the intruders. Throwing them in the pond would only get them wet, they make an ant raft. I hate, hate hate fire ants. I have found newly hatched goslings stung to death by them.

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