Any advice for gasping for air in ducks!

I just read your story and I'm so sorry for your hard situation with your sweet duck. Sounds like you're doing everything possible to help her. I have used Oxine AH, though not in a situation such as yours, so I can't speak to its effectiveness really. What I did was put my ducks in a large dog crate covered with sheets. I put the Oxine/water mixture in a vaporizer and had them sit in there while it was going for twenty minutes or so a few times a day. I really hope she turns a corner today!
Thank you so much. I hope with all my heart she does too. I just bought a weather pod thing for camping to put her in when I get home. I just bought a fogger machine from Ace Hardware since the tri jet fogger won't be here until tomorrow and I don't have that long to wait. I'm heading to UPS now to wait for the package of Oxine AH to be sorted and brought to the front. A sweet lady there is trying to find it in the trucks as fast as she can. I will be sure to update if several treatments of this improves her at all.


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Thank you so much. I hope with all my heart she does too. I just bought a weather pod thing for camping to put her in when I get home. I just bought a fogger machine from Ace Hardware since the tri jet fogger won't be here until tomorrow and I don't have that long to wait. I'm heading to UPS now to wait for the package of Oxine AH to be sorted and brought to the front. A sweet lady there is trying to find it in the trucks as fast as she can. I will be sure to update if several treatments of this improves her at all.
That picture was taken only a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe how quickly she went downhill
Here is a long thread about respiratory illness and using Oxine AH:

I was trying to remember the dilution. I think I used what is on this thread - 3.5 Tablespoons Oxine to one quart of water. I also saw on another thread 1/4 c. Oxine to 1 liter of water. Looks like some are leaving their birds in for one hour once a day, others shorter multiple times.
That picture was taken only a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe how quickly she went downhill
I understand... Illnesses can progress really fast. It feels especially heart breaking, to me, when it happens like that. Alternatively, I have some consolation that my beloved pet didn't have to experience a long drawn out illness. Either way, it's awful and hurts our hearts.

Keep us updated. I'll be thinking about you all today.
I understand... Illnesses can progress really fast. It feels especially heart breaking, to me, when it happens like that. Alternatively, I have some consolation that my beloved pet didn't have to experience a long drawn out illness. Either way, it's awful and hurts our hearts.

Keep us updated. I'll be thinking about you all today.
Thank you. All of you have helped so much by caring. I'm trying hard not to think I'm a terrible mom, because I don't why this happened.
She's in her nebulizer chamber with Oxine ah in a humidifier currently. I've tried to mist her face as well. The fogger I just bought at Ace Hardware didn't work like I thought. Still waiting on the "paint sprayer gun" to be here in a hour or so to give that a try as well. She's drank several sips of her electrolyte/probiotic/vitamin water so far.
Thank you. All of you have helped so much by caring. I'm trying hard not to think I'm a terrible mom, because I don't why this happened.
She's in her nebulizer chamber with Oxine ah in a humidifier currently. I've tried to mist her face as well. The fogger I just bought at Ace Hardware didn't work like I thought. Still waiting on the "paint sprayer gun" to be here in a hour or so to give that a try as well. She's drank several sips of her electrolyte/probiotic/vitamin water so far.
You aren't a terrible mom, but that feeling is a normal part of the grief process. Sometimes bad/sad things just happen. Your ducks are very lucky to have a wonderful, loving owner who cares for them deeply. If only all ducks were so fortunate.

My vet told me that when he dies he wants to be reincarnated as one of my pets. And one of my precious ducks had aspergillosis, too.
I agree, you're not a terrible mom - you obviously love and show great care with your ducks! Despite our best efforts there are so many things that can go wrong - I've had numerous mystery illnesses and plenty of troubles with my ducks, despite the fact that I'm devoting lots of time and energy towards them and try my best to give them a great life. They're just not that hardy, in my opinion, and stuff happens. I really hope your sweet girl turns a corner and pulls through, but don't blame yourself for what's going on!
You aren't a terrible mom, but that feeling is a normal part of the grief process. Sometimes bad/sad things just happen. Your ducks are very lucky to have a wonderful, loving owner who cares for them deeply. If only all ducks were so fortunate.

My vet told me that when he dies he wants to be reincarnated as one of my pets. And one of my precious ducks had aspergillosis, too.
Thank you for your kind words, and I'm so sorry one of yours went through it too. Did your baby make it through it?
People might think we're crazy for loving animals so deeply, and as much as we do people. All my animals are my children and it's the hardest thing in the world to lose them so young. My poor girl is only 9 mo old, and already I know our souls intertwined, and we shared the best 9 mo together.
I've made my decision to have my sister, that's a vet tech at a shelter, help me put her down tonight. I can't believe this is happening. It was not long ago that she was swimming around, chasing minnows, goofing around with her sister, giggling, purring, wagging her tail when I loved on her and cuddled her, and her newest thing was riding their ramp down like a surfer when I lowered it in the morning to let them out. I would tell her "get it girl, ride that wave." My heart is being ripped out my chest. And I can't imagine her what her poor sister Frankie is going to go through.
She isn't any better, and is only taking sips of water occasionally. I can't watch her suffer anymore. She hasn't been able to rest for days. Every breath is a struggle, and I don't want her to suffer any longer. We've tried it all, Baytril, Metacam, Itraconazol, Tylosin, and now Oxine AH. So much damage has been done to whole body at this point. Radiographs showed only inflammation and the vet said her lungs didn't sound bad, but her bloodwork was very abnormal. Sorry for the novel. I think I'm trying to convince myself I'm making the right decision to put her down and end her battle. She's a tough cookie, and fought with all her might. She's my big brave girl and I knew she wouldn't go down without a fight. I can't imagine feeling like you can't breath for over 5 days would be like.
Thank you to everyone that helped me, and for sharing kind, caring words.
This group definitely kept me from buckling to my knees today.


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