any advice on lockdown?

Hi, I have 8 runner duck eggs and 2 cayuga duck eggs on day 24, I've candled today and all are moving. Tomorrow is lockdown, just wondering if anyone has any tips or advice? Is 65% humidity good for duck eggs for lockdown? If it goes higher would that be ok? Im at work all day so was thibking if I make it higher then by the time it drops I should be home from work. I've got sponges, spray bottle, egg cartons, cloths, tubing for adding water through vent hole - anything else that I may need? Im going to place the two cayuga eggs in cut down egg cartons as they both have saddle shaped air cells. For the others when I lay them down do I need to put a certain side up, in relation to the air cell? When should they pip internally? I have a brinsea octagon - do I need to lay the bottom (where the eggs are) with anything to stop the ducklings from slipping when hatched? Anything else?
Thank you in advance :D

abidaby, all I can help you with is the position when you lay them down. You need to put the lowest part of the air cell up. And I used the rubber shelf liner in my bator. Looks like you are doing great. Keep us notified
If you have any questions, problems or just curious about your hatch, post your questions on the " Hands on Hatching " thread here on BYC. They are great with problems and advice.
First off - there are no dumb or stupid questions. How do you learn if you do not ask. You can get great help and advice on "hands on hatching and help". There are great chicken and duck people on there. And they love to help and answer any questions
Thank you. I know this may sound really silly but... Now they are in lockdown how will I know if they pip internally?

You wont know they internally pip unless you candle them. With the Octagon, you can actually position the eggs so that you can look from the side and shine the light thru the lid and see inside some of the eggs. :D But alot of times, they externally pip at the same time. Internal pips are nice to know if one is maybe in trouble, but really not all that necessary to know if/when it happens.

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