Any artists out there?

@puffypoo, here is your request all finished!
You can choose the name and gender. :)
Screenshot 2020-10-05 at 6.40.44 PM.png
Well, I'll go looking for them and leave you some feedback tomorrow :)
Sorry to overwhelm you but my original quest with the tagging of people was to get feedback on this shading... any critiques/tips?

Imaginary light source is in the upper left corner. No light coming from in the pumpkin, I don't think I can handle that much shading confusion yet.
Just popping in here. Over the past three days I have been really into drawing birds. I copy my birds from another picture. I've gone from nothing to something in just 6 hours total!

Day one (Eurasian-Collared Dove, Black-capped Chickadee, Downy Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Yellow Warbler, Killdeer, Northern Flicker, Barn Swallow, Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) and some kind of Grosbeak)

Day two (Western Kingbird, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Chipping Sparrow, American Goldfinch, and I think a Yellow-throated Warbler)

Day three (Black-billed Magpie, House Finch, Black-capped Chickadee)
@RoosterWhisperer here’s the concept sketch. I used sunset colors as inspiration. I used the base of my adolescent eastern dragon, so the antlers are smaller than a full grown dragon’s are. I can maybe pull more yellow and orange stripes into the white body, but it’s late and I wanted to get something posted

View attachment 2362011
thy art is most wondrous!
@RoosterWhisperer here’s the concept sketch. I used sunset colors as inspiration. I used the base of my adolescent eastern dragon, so the antlers are smaller than a full grown dragon’s are. I can maybe pull more yellow and orange stripes into the white body, but it’s late and I wanted to get something posted

View attachment 2362011
how do you do the starry aesthetic?

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