Any artists out there?

More dragons. I decided to start going over some of them in pen/sharpie to make it look the littlest bit better
Wow! Those are so great! I love them! That style is adorable! You’ve really improved as an artist.
Thank you :)
These are so cute! The almost look like dragon/seahorse crosses. (Great job on the shading, BTW!)
Thanks! I’m working on figuring out how the shading works depending on where the light source is.
This was an experiment with some inexpensive heavy body acrylics I found at Sam's Club over the weekend. Overall, they seem like they're decent for beginners, but they're not all that great for paint pouring. They do not mix down well with water or floetrol, and so when you pour you get a lot of air bubbles and color pops in places you don't want them to be. This paint also dries darker and less vibrantly than the Liquitex and Golden paints I normally use. I'm going to try an abstract with brushes too and see how I feel about it, but my initial impression is "eh, it was 15 bucks for a set of 24 colors. You get what you pay for". They work, they're just not a top grade paint.

Anyway, here ya go!
This was an experiment with some inexpensive heavy body acrylics I found at Sam's Club over the weekend. Overall, they seem like they're decent for beginners, but they're not all that great for paint pouring. They do not mix down well with water or floetrol, and so when you pour you get a lot of air bubbles and color pops in places you don't want them to be. This paint also dries darker and less vibrantly than the Liquitex and Golden paints I normally use. I'm going to try an abstract with brushes too and see how I feel about it, but my initial impression is "eh, it was 15 bucks for a set of 24 colors. You get what you pay for". They work, they're just not a top grade paint.

Anyway, here ya go!
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Oooh! It’s like a unicorn! I love it!!!

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