Any Campbell breeders?

These other strains of Campbells seem to be really rare. I read about the Dark Campbells and White Campbells in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. I checked lot's and lot's of hatcherys and only found a couple small outfits with Dark Campbells. Never saw any White Campbells except on a website that was somewhere in the UK, like Australia if I am remembering correctly. So when you consider all that I guess it's not so easy to even get a chance to interbreed them.

You're right! It is quite difficult to find Dark Campbells because they were so much less popular than Khaki Campbells after the second world war. Khakis became really popular because of their similarity in color to the troops outfits. So, breeders began raising tons of Khakis and focused less on the other colors. I raise Dark Campbells, but do not have any available right now. I do have two pictures on my website of some of mine if you'd like to see them. They're a chocolate color and I believe they are the most beautiful ducks!
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Below is a picture of some of my ducks. In the foreground is a white Campbell, then a dark Campbell and in the rear, the rear of a Khaki

Just as a point of interest, Queenie (white) produced the eggs which hatched the other two in this picture! (Their "Dad"/drake is a Khaki)
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And here is a slightly better photo insofar as you can see his gorgeous green head feathers.


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