Any Hispanohablantes here?

What's your student demographic look like? In my son's class, there are 2 gringos. the rest are all Hispanic and from what he says are all native Spanish speakers. We're in AZ, so Spanish is prevalent here. Even I know enough to minimally get my point across most of the time conversationally, even if my pronunciation is terrible. He does better.
I'm in PA and in a very rural area of the state. Our high school only has about 300 students in grades 9-12. My average class size is about 15 students and we are predominantly white. Ironically, only 20 minutes north we have a town called Mifflin which is probably 85% Latino due to the fact that we have a chicken processing plant in the town that employs migrant workers. That is in a different school district, so their ESL program is very active as students come in and learn to speak English. But overall, our demographics are pretty much white here in this district.
Got a kid in HS Spanish right now. You are a brave soul to commit to teaching raging walking hormones. Thank you for trying to educate our future.
Es mi placer (It's my pleasure). I'm in my 26th year of education and High Schoolers are probably my favorite group. I thoroughly enjoy teaching Español to my students, and I try to make it fun and stimulating with different activities. Most of my kids are good sports and willingly participate in the activities.
I have a mini Mexican in 7th grade Spanish class. He is probably one of the only ones In the class who doesn't speak Spanish fluently at home.

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