Any Home Bakers Here?

Yay to a baking thread! I make whole wheat honey bread (don't grind my own wheat though!), while wheat pizza dough and challah bread for special occasions because it looks fancy and people are all impressed even though it's super easy. Lol. I've been doing stuffed challah too. Have stuffed it with cheese and broccoli and with ham and cheese. I really want to try some sourdough and have some sourdough recipes pinned on Pinterest with how to make your own sourdough start, but just haven't been brave enough yet.
Also, whoever posted that cinnamon roll recipe a few pages back, I think I will be making that for Christmas this year.
really neat, how do you make it look like this? Looks like a braid.
After is rises, you cut it into three equal parts, roll into strips (like as a kid when you made playdough snakes) then you braid it and let it rase for another hour. So it is a braid
I guess I should add, that's just for challah bread that you braid it. That's traditionally how it's made. The two loafs in the picture where for my sons last soccer game. They had a lot luck.
Yay to a baking thread! I make whole wheat honey bread (don't grind my own wheat though!), while wheat pizza dough and challah bread for special occasions because it looks fancy and people are all impressed even though it's super easy. Lol. I've been doing stuffed challah too. Have stuffed it with cheese and broccoli and with ham and cheese. I really want to try some sourdough and have some sourdough recipes pinned on Pinterest with how to make your own sourdough start, but just haven't been brave enough yet.
Also, whoever posted that cinnamon roll recipe a few pages back, I think I will be making that for Christmas this year.
Hi Alice28,
I make challah braided too but never have tried stuffing it before, that's a cool idea. The cinnamon rolls are wonderful, hope you like them.
I'm really excited to try them! They sound amazing! Stuffing the bread was just kind of a ransom thought one day and it was really amazing, so I've done it a few times since. I will let everyone know when I do the cinnamon rolls. Mmmm! I might have to do a test run around thanksgiving for a special breakfast!
I guess I should add, that's just for challah bread that you braid it. That's traditionally how it's made. The two loafs in the picture where for my sons last soccer game. They had a lot luck.
Thanks, should have recognized it, one of my bread books shows how to do the braid, but never tried it…
Sunflour, give the braiding a shot. It's kind of fun and gives bread an awesome look when it's done baking.

I have 2 loaves of Italian bread rising today. We're having paella for dinner tonight, DH really makes a good one so I have to contribute somehow, lol.
Hi everyone,

I haven't been baking for a while! Too busy applying to college.
But, after finishing my application the other day I made Oatmeal Raisin Cookies as a thank-you for the wonderful ladies who wrote my recommendation letters. To be honest, I think that their husbands were more thrilled than the ladies themselves.

The recipe I use for that is just the "Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies" from the lids of Quaker Oats cans. I have been making it with my mom since I was about seven, by myself since I was around eleven. She didn't trust me by myself with the hot oven before that. It never disappoints me, it makes a perfect oatmeal cookie. I have even modified it and used it with craisins and chocolate chips instead of raisins!
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Yum! I love oatmeal cookies. I've done them with craisins, dried apricots (super yummy!) and just traditional raisins. Good luck with your collage applications!
Today I'm making banana carrot muffins. I had six very over ripe bananas. I make a bunch of mini muffins a few times a month and freeze them in small batches for snacks. I found a great blackberry yogurt muffin recipe I've done a few times, then I do lots of carrot and throw is apple, chard, kale, spinach.... whatever is in the garden and banana muffins whenever I have a bunch of ripe ones.
Sunflour, give the braiding a shot. It's kind of fun and gives bread an awesome look when it's done baking.

I have 2 loaves of Italian bread rising today. We're having paella for dinner tonight, DH really makes a good one so I have to contribute somehow, lol.
Will do…gotta decide what type to do. I think something sweet and cinnamon.

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