Any Home Bakers Here?

Those look SO good! :drool I wonder if they’d make a nice Christmas cookie? If nothing else they’d stand out from the normal holiday selection.

I think they'd make a nice holiday cookie Roomy. But if I can get my food processor fixed or replaced, I'm not waiting :lol:
Both of those recipes look good Debby! I found them on Pinterest and saved them, thanks.
I ordered a Quisinart hand mixer. I hope I like it:flIt’s 4 lbs...does that sound heavy?

I read the KA hand mixer was lighter, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Maybe the Quisinart is sturdier.

Let me know how you like it once you use it!
A hammer would pound pistachios quite well. Just sayin'


I do have one of those tiny almost toy-like processors. Just a hassle to work with. We're going out of town next week so don't want a cake sitting around...maybe when I get back I'll give one of the pistachio recipes a try. The cookie one looked pretty simple (and tasty)!

I do have one of those tiny almost toy-like processors. Just a hassle to work with. We're going out of town next week so don't want a cake sitting around...maybe when I get back I'll give one of the pistachio recipes a try. The cookie one looked pretty simple (and tasty)!

:clapAre you excited about your trip?

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