Any Home Bakers Here?

we are invited to a friends house for supper tonight. On the menu is "Pan Fried Salmon". Any suggestions on what I can bring to the gathering. We go there often enough that I would like to contribute to supper.
Monkey bread. Not only can you make the typical sticky stuff, you can also use the same method, and just add garlic butter and or Parmesan cheese.
If you are in a hurry, chop up some Pillsberry biscuits.
we are invited to a friends house for supper tonight. On the menu is "Pan Fried Salmon". Any suggestions on what I can bring to the gathering. We go there often enough that I would like to contribute to supper.
Did you ask them what you can bring? If I ask that and they so, "Oh nothing", I usually bring something that would not be added to the menu for the evening, such as something I have canned, some flowers (pref from my garden), or a bottle of wine (if they drink wine). When berries are in season, I'll bring some. Really anything from your own harvest is nice. Just my two cents...:caf
I always ask and they always say "nothing". My DH is taking wine, but that will be gone before the end of the night. Maybe I'll make a loaf of bread. If we don't have it with supper, then they can have it for French toast in the morning.

Sounds like a good plan!
Almond Joy Cookie Bars! Help yourselves if you'd like :D

Alm Joy Bars and Coffee.JPG
DH & I rarely eat out for the same's not only easier to eat at home but usually cheaper and better tasting.

@ronott1 is the sourdough guru around here, he'll drop in sometime today most likely. No matter what type of bread you want to make, don't give up! Sometimes it's a matter of practice and getting the "feel" for it to be successful. I still remember some of my earliest disasters :lol: but they were learning lessons.

X 2. I had to make bread a few times to get a feel for it. @ValerieJ practice and patience will definitely help.
Your pumpkin pound cake is on my list to try. I'm taking it to an office potluck in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to try it!

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