Any Home Bakers Here?

I started the bread last night at 9pm and then started using a stretch and fold kneading process-- every 20 minutes from 6 to 8:30. At 8:30AM I shaped and put it into a banneton. At 8:45AM I warmed up a porcelain dutch oven to 450F(start in a cold oven) until 9:45 am when I slashed the bread with a razor and put the bread into the dutch oven.

I did use white rice flour for dusting the basket. The dough was moved from the basket to parchment paper, slashed and then moved to the dutch oven. Lid goes on for 20 minutes and then the bread is moved to a cold cookie sheet(keeps the bottom for burning) and then back into the oven to crisp. Today it was for 7 more minutes. If you want the bread darker, crisp for 10 or 12 minutes
That looks like the perfect bread. Would you please give me the recipe?
I will be referring back to this post on my next attempt. The sourdough how do I make that or has it got to be bought. Please excuse my lack of experience.

Mine did not take as long but have to say, it was lovely eating it this morning.
That looks like the perfect bread. Would you please give me the recipe?
I will be referring back to this post on my next attempt. The sourdough how do I make that or has it got to be bought. Please excuse my lack of experience.

Mine did not take as long but have to say, it was lovely eating it this morning.
Recipes are linked to in this google sheet:

Recipe is here:

Sourdough bread does take longer. This is a fairly fast recipe though.

The good thing about baking bread is that you get better with practice and you get to eat the results!
Thanks. That is a small amount and it worked so GREAT. That is what happens when you are a Master you. Aria
It should work for you too since we have the same starter and we keep if very active.

I love the way sourdough works in bread!
It should work for you too since we have the same starter and we keep if very active.

I love the way sourdough works in bread!
Thanks to you I do have a very active sourdough starter. In fact, as I mentioned ....I now have two jars going. I take a little from each jar when I bake and I feed...right now I am using weekly. Works GREAT. Aria

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