Any Home Bakers Here?

If the peach is really ripe, they peel very easily. If they aren't ripe, peeling them sucks. Ripe peaches, 30 seconds in boiling water, immediately into cold water and the skin will wipe right off. When they are really ripe, I don't even bother with the boiling. Work a point loose and the while skin will lift off in a couple of pieces.
I do this with tomatoes too!
ahhh! I have ruined a nice pot with homemade spaghetti sauce. baking peach cobbler today with homemade whipped cream

The peach cobbler sounds delicious!

I have two loaves of Sourdough Multigrain Bread mixed and rising. Aria

Bet your house smells good from the bread Aria :)

I made some summer fruits muffins and almost burnt them oops. A few are a bit over browned.

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View attachment 2309645

Nice way of enjoying some summer fruits!

I'm going with something savory today instead of sweet. @rjohns39 told me how much they liked a slow cooker jambalaya recipe so that's what I have going on in the kitchen. It already smells good!
Hi everyone,

Going to be doing a lot of baking tomorrow, I need a lot of food for my bear hunting trip. The trip is the day after tomorrow.

I am excited.

On the 30th I probably won’t post again unless I get a bear or if I come home after the day is done.

Good luck on your hunt Jared and regardless of the outcome, have fun!
Oh, I will have fun! Thanks for the good luck.

You know, hunting is like cake. Sometimes you get served cake without icing, sometimes you get served cake with icing. Either way, there is still delicious cake.

In this case, getting a bear is just icing. Whether there’s icing or not, it will still be good.

Good attitude!

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