Any Home Bakers Here?

How many years have you done this ? The reason I ask I may have bought starter of you twenty or so years ago .
I have been giving starts out for 30 plus years but started the dried after I got some of the Oregon sourdough. That was likely about 15 years ago.

I do not charge for it. The friends of Carl have you send them a stamped self addressed envelope for the start.

It makes me very happy to see the friends I send the starts to start baking very good sourdough bread and etc.
That makes sense (they were baked in a convection gas oven at 400°).
I really need to get a sharper blade to score the loaves, it would make me able to get them in the oven quicker.
Thanks for the help!

I just cut mine with a knife, keep going over the cut until its deep enough. Just dont put a lot of pressure on the dough.


A loaf that has risen after the cut. You can see how its expanded.


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