Any Home Bakers Here?

Made a Basic Sourdough Boule
3/4 cup active SDS
3 cups Bread Flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup warm water
. Mix with danish 2 stretch and fold
Cover Warm Place Overnight
Morning: Dough on floured board..shape with dough into itself. Sprinkle with flour. Place in Parchment line bowl...cover with a
towel and let rise...1 hour.

Placed my Antique Cast Iron in the oven 450 degree to get HOT. Dough ready...slashed top
and dropped into the Iron Pot. Cooked with cover 30 minutes....removed cover and baked 15 more Minutes. Removed from oven on cooling rack. (First Time Baked...New Recipe SIMPLE)
The bread looks good!
Thanks for the recipe
Oh, yeah!
View attachment 2816733

Part lab, part shepherd, part...? Any guesses, shout 'em out. :thumbsup

Aren't her eyes gorgeous?
Does nobody but me see a little greyhound in that adorable face? I know next to nothing about dogs but I have several friends with greyhounds and my sister had a whippet. She is just beautiful!
What buffalo milk? We don't have buffaloes here not too my knowledge but I may be wrong
River buffalo. They are commonly kept in India, you would probably have to import one ;) Supposed to be higher fat content than cow milk, probably make great cream.

They are really gross, brown rust and green.

Made it through the storm ok here!
Yay!!! Looks like you were in the "navigable quadrant", did you lose power?

Does nobody but me see a little greyhound in that adorable face?

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