Any Home Bakers Here?

I did toss the Friendship Bread starter mess yesterday. Finally figured out the smell was exactly like mushy strawberries. Considering I had not smelled mushy strawberries in a long time I'm surprised I could so easily recognize the smell.

At any rate, baking with something with no fruit in it, that smelled SO STRONGLY of mushy fruit was not gonna happen so I mixed it in with some goodies for the chickens.

Holy cow... er, chicken,... I darn near got trampled!

The other starter is going strong. It took it's feeding, bubbled quickly, and went back in the fridge. Not many pancakes left either. :cool:
Hi everyone - new to BYC, just got my first 4 chicks a few weeks ago. I've been making my own bread for 10-ish years now - whole wheat, but using half whole wheat and half sprouted whole wheat flour was a game changer! So fluffy and light! I use a breadmaker to mix the dough and then bake it in the oven. Love the smell of fresh-baked bread, and sliced right out of the oven with some butter or jam. nothing better!
Hi everyone - new to BYC, just got my first 4 chicks a few weeks ago. I've been making my own bread for 10-ish years now - whole wheat, but using half whole wheat and half sprouted whole wheat flour was a game changer! So fluffy and light! I use a breadmaker to mix the dough and then bake it in the oven. Love the smell of fresh-baked bread, and sliced right out of the oven with some butter or jam. nothing better!
:frow Welcome

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