Any Home Bakers Here?

Hope it all works for Ken .. I had 4 sets made before one got it right ....
I hope his goes as well as mine did. I got lucky. I damaged my upper teeth so badly in an accident that they had to go, so they pulled them and then put in a temporary splint. I was supposed to get the plate made a few weeks later but we got transferred and I never got to go back. So I wore the splint (it had white teeth in the front but the molars were just the pink denture material) for almost a year.

Ken was asked by a Navy dentist to wire his garage, so in exchange for Ken’s work the dentist made my upper plate. He was thrilled to be doing something other than staring at Navy recruits’ mouths all day long. After hours I would go in and he really went overboard. He never seemed to be satisfied…,first it was the fit he worked on until that was perfect, then he worked on color and making them look as natural and close to my original teeth as possible. He used pre-accident photos of me to get the shapes right. They were absolutely beautiful when he was done.

My son Kenny was 3 months old when the dentist finished the plate. Kenny is now 49 years old and I still wear the same original plate, with only one reline ever, and my dentist here did that just recently. They are now so thin I can hold them up to the light and see through them, and the back molars have sort of splayed outwards. So three years ago my dentist did a light reline just to strengthen them a bit until I can replace them, which I don’t really want to do. He said that there isn’t anyplace around here that could do them as well, so he’d recommend sending them a place in Nebraska to duplicate them as closely as possible, Then he could fine tune the fit of the new ones when I got them back. But I’d be toothless for 2-3 weeks. Nope. Not me! He offered to do a temporary splint but that prospect isn’t thrilling either. So if this place Ken’s going to does a good job, I may consider…..just consider, mind you….replacing these. Whoever heard of one set of dentures being perfect and almost unchanged for almost 50 years? Would I ever get that fit and quality again? I dunno….scares me to think of changing.
@Blooie, that is really awesome! :thumbsup
No one ever (honestly) accused Blooie of being an underacheiver.

Kenny is now 49 years old and I still wear the same original plate, with only one reline ever, and my dentist here did that just recently.
Wow! I bet there are millions and millions and millions of people who would be happy if theirs lasted even 10 years!

We didn’t get any, but did get a little welcome rain overnight. It’s the WIND!! I mean, we should be used to it, right? Nope. I still hate it. We have big giant trees on our property, so when we built the new house we ran our power underground. The trees were often rubbing on the lines or branches fell on them despite regular trimming, and we lost power frequently. But underground made no difference last night - lost power for about 4 hours.

No one ever (honestly) accused Blooie of being an underacheiver.

Wow! I bet there are millions and millions and millions of people who would be happy if theirs lasted even 10 years!
Not me - overachiever all the way!! That’s one of the reasons I’m afraid to replace this denture, Bruce. What if they only last 10 years instead of 50? I’m gonna need those teeth when I’m in my 100s.
Hi everyone - new to BYC, just got my first 4 chicks a few weeks ago. I've been making my own bread for 10-ish years now - whole wheat, but using half whole wheat and half sprouted whole wheat flour was a game changer! So fluffy and light! I use a breadmaker to mix the dough and then bake it in the oven. Love the smell of fresh-baked bread, and sliced right out of the oven with some butter or jam. nothing better!

Welcome to BYC.
I did a stoopid. Again. Just sitting here all proud of myself because my sourdough rye is on its first 15 minute rest between mixings (there are two of those rest periods before bulk rise starts) when it hit me - I can’t finish the bread in the morning because we won’t BE here in the morning! Tomorrow morning I should have shaped it, rested it, put it in the banneton to rise for another hour, then baked it. Oops We have to leave for Billings at 6 am….Ken has an appointment to pull his remaining upper teeth and get his denture put in.

Lots of recipes say I can mix it up, rest, mix, rest, and then refrigerate overnight and get it out to do its bulk rise in the morning for baking in the evening. I’ve never done it that way before, but I guess I’ll be trying it tomorrow. <sigh>
It should be fine!

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