Any Home Bakers Here?

Sassafras trees grow invasively here. I have to keep string trimming the sprouts down to ground level. They still spread by roots and seeds.

Is it the bark or the root you harvest?
Sassafras doesn't grow around here or I'd have a good supply. It's the root bark. The traditional flavor of "root beer" was sassafras, but that was replaced by wintergreen. Next time someone opens up a can of wintergreen dip next to you, sniff it. You should recognize it.
Bakers good morning one and all!

Tea is ready.

Temperature is in the 70s with heavy rain.

Have a great day!
Good morning! We had thunderstorms, high winds and heavy rain overnight, temperature now in the 50's. It's supposed to clear up later today so we can go out and check for damage. Those of you in the northeast be safe, it's headed in your direction!
Proofing sourdough cinnamon rolls

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