Any Home Bakers Here?

I have tried beets before, and I may be preparing them wrong, but they always seem to have a strong dirt flavor
Or maybe it was just the soil I grew them in. all of these ideas are really making me want to try them again though!

They do have an "earthy flavor", but I like them. make sure you wash them well. Add a little butter and try them again?
They do have an "earthy flavor", but I like them. make sure you wash them well. Add a little butter and try them again?

I'm looking forward to trying them tomorrow. DH isn't quite as curious as I am but he's open to giving them a shot, lol.
my mouth is literally drooling from how delicious these look!


Lucky you! Lol I have some still in the garden, buried under 3' of snow :p otherwise, I have to go 100 miles to go to a bigger grocer that has beets; living in the boonies is a drag sometimes :(

But I did go find a couple jars that I canned this summer... And so e pickles, and peaches, and chili for lunch... I'm going to get so fat ha-ha ;)
You're killing me lol, I'm out if lemon juice :(

I need to go grocery shopping stat.
What are THOSE?!?!!!

UGH, yep. FAT ha-ha :D

It's OK, I keep telling myself baby needs it, I try to keep it to the essentials, so, cinnamon is good for me, lemon is good for me,... Anybody have something cake like that would have a pistachio-ish taste to it? Lol :p

Cinnamon roll pancakes. The recipe is back a few pages. ;)

Haha! You could probably find a good pistachio cake recipe on Pinterest. ;) :lol:
Tell us what you think of them when your finished.
Especially if you make the cream cheese syrup. (We decided to skip that part because we thought they were sweet enough on their own.)
Oh I made them. LOL I made an absolute MESS
of them, I think I flipped them before I needed to and the brown sugar burned slightly. I didn't do the cream cheese frosting either, I thought with the brown sugar they would be sweet enough as well. Hubby ate 3 of them, so they weren't too bad I suppose (or he felt really sorry for me). I will probably try them again, but maybe a little less butter and brown sugar, and of course, flip them at the right time

Now I want beets too!
I didn't grow any this year and all my spiced pickled beets are long gone. I do plan on growing them again this year though. I figure to can some and then I usually put some in the freezer as well. I think my chickens will like the beet greens as well.
Lol I used to get in SO much trouble with red beets from my mom's garden... I would mash them up in my play "stew", and then discovered the magic of dyeing anything white not stapled down a lovely hue of pink :D

Then there's my little 6 year old, really concerned one day because her pee was pink. Naturally, I was concerned too, until I remembered she ate a whole plate of beets. ;)

They're actually my favorite veg, hands down. I love the " earthy" flavor. lol @fearnowsh, yeah scrub them real good and boil them until the skins fall off when you rub them, then wash them again. They can get flavor from the soil and nutrients, and even sweeter if they're fall beets and left in the ground for a freeze; the change of starches to sugars sweetens them even more ;)

Don't worry @sunflour, I'm sure you'll be able to find some fresh beets really soon; if anything, now you have 10 different ideas for how to make them :D

Oh, yeah, and save the juice from pickled beets and put hard boiled eggs in it... Delicious! :)

Oh, PS, @Wyorp Rock, yes, they absolutely LOVE beet tops, and they're rich in phytonutrients, so they are not only super food, but they'll turn the yolks a nice rich orange ;)
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