Any Home Bakers Here?

So far so good.

My beesting take 2. This time I used the right amount of yeast, cooked it in a cake tin to make it rise up not out and reduced the cooking time to 30 mins at 180c

Looks much more like it should.

I think I'm going to have to buy one though to check but suspect the honey almond topping should be going on after, not before its baked. I'm sure it should be more of a glaze but could be wrong.

Now just have to make the custard filling!

That looks good!
This was better this time not as dense but didn't have the air holes I expected.

My Blueberry sourdough muffins. I couldn't wait and ate a couple of them.
Your bread looks good cmom! It sounds like you're getting really close to where you want to be with it. Way to go!
Those muffins look so good. I think blueberry muffins are my favorite baked good.

They do look good don't they!

Love blueberry muffins too but it's so expensive to buy the blueberries. I have planted two plants up near the chook pen but I don't think it's the right kind of soil and they are not happy.

Speaking of expensive. Saw a jar of coconut butter in the grocery store yesterday. $22.00 yikes! And it wasn't even a very big jar.
We grow blueberries and they do like acid soil. Pine needles and pine bark are good to put around the plants. We have some pine trees so we use pine needles. The enclosed area in the top left of the picture is our blueberries. We have netting over the frame to keep the wild birds from eating the berries. It also keeps the chickens out too. Blueberries have fairly shallow roots that spread out. We pick a lot and freeze them so we have them all year around. I put the berries on a cookie sheet into the freezer and after they have frozen, I vacuum pack them, then I always have blueberries for different recipes. This year is not going to be a great blueberry year. Most year we have a lot that we either sell some or give some to our friends, but this year is an off year. I just bought hubby a big jar. of coconut oil, It was around $15.00 here. It kind of looks like butter. It has to be melted like regular shortening for the oil.

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