Any Home Bakers Here?

I am going to try nfc cinnamon rolls and sunflour orange icing those are lucy favorite breakfast. Tomorrow is her actual birthday so we have a special day for her i probably cook either pizza or chicken strips for lunch and chicken fried steak for dinner with mash and green beans with brownies for dessert.

Good luck with the cinnamon rolls, let us know how they turn out for you. Happy birthday to Lucy!
OK well the cinnamon rolls have yet to happen mr joshua has been bery need so much so that its hard to even cook a meal we been having cold meals to keep from constantly eating out(my husband doesnt cook and joshua wont let him hold him it has to be me other wise he screams) i am heading to bed after getting both kids in bed and absolutly nothing done lol today lucy and i played it was need for her and me to have one on one time even if joshua woke up some times.
OK well the cinnamon rolls have yet to happen mr joshua has been bery need so much so that its hard to even cook a meal we been having cold meals to keep from constantly eating out(my husband doesnt cook and joshua wont let him hold him it has to be me other wise he screams) i am heading to bed after getting both kids in bed and absolutly nothing done lol today lucy and i played it was need for her and me to have one on one time even if joshua woke up some times.
Sometimes it goes that way.

It will get better when the casts are off.

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OK well the cinnamon rolls have yet to happen mr joshua has been bery need so much so that its hard to even cook a meal we been having cold meals to keep from constantly eating out(my husband doesnt cook and joshua wont let him hold him it has to be me other wise he screams) i am heading to bed after getting both kids in bed and absolutly nothing done lol today lucy and i played it was need for her and me to have one on one time even if joshua woke up some times.
Sending some hugs your way!!
Thank yall i could use the support!! I really hate mondays! Every monday he has a dr appointment to have a cast removed and another put on. That days the hardest on him. His sister goes to a friends house for the appointment (afraid she would try to hurt the doctor). So far today i am been able to ketchup on cleaning the house i am so excited even if its not all done at least some of it is.
Thanks organic i am just happy the dishe are done and the bathrooms cleaned!! I took me forever just to get that done!!

Oh I understand. I am far from a neat freak, but I can only tolerate the complete disaster my house can become for so long before it drives me nuts. If I can eat a little done, I can just breathe better.
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I can be a neat freak i try not to dwell on it lol other wise one i never have time for my kids two i would be a bubble. Charles went out and bought paper plates and cups so for the next two months while joshua getting casts it would be easier to keep up with everything. I am tempted to just go buy bread and other baked goods but i prefer my own. Plus it fun for lucy and i.

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