Any Home Bakers Here?

We tried everything to keep them from sticking together, I think the openings in the die were too close together so as soon as they pressed out they pressed together, we managed to get some made by one of us continually spraying pam into the oncoming noodles. It was a hassle. Maybe that is why they no longer offer the die.
We hung them on  the oven rack to dry them. My son thought of that. I thought it was clever, It kept them clean while they dried;

Yeah.. I have never gotten the squid ink. Is it supposed to be flavorful or just different?
I bet ronott1 knows!

Homemade noodles are the best. I have found that my noodles are more likely to stick togeather when I add water to the recipe. The drier dough is more difficult to work with, but the noodles do not stick.
I am trying to find a happy medium between workable dough and noodles that do not stick
good flavor, blaa flavor, or just something?
I like it but one of my Daughters that is not a fan of fish did not like it.

It had a hint of Ocean to it. Give it a try. Amazon sells it as a powder which might be easier to use in pasta.
Just made yoghurt for the first time last night!

Was so easy don't know why I put it off so long. I just heated a litre of my lactose free milk to boiling then cooled to 45c and stirred in a small single serve tub of lactose free yoghurt from the supermarket. Then it just had to sit in a warm spot overnight (under the hood of our heated hermit crab tank was perfect). This morning I've got solid yoghurt!

I'm going to purée some frozen blueberries and stir through later when it's cold so it's sweeter as I'm not a fan of plain natural yoghurt. Fingers crossed it tastes good!
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Just made yoghurt for the first time last night! Was so easy don't know why I put it off so long. I just heated a litre of my lactose free milk to boiling then cooled to 45c and stirred in a small single serve tub of lactose free yoghurt from the supermarket. Then it just had to sit in a warm spot overnight (under the hood of our heated hermit crab tank was perfect). This morning I've got solid yoghurt!

I'm going to purée some frozen blueberries and stir through later when it's cold so it's sweeter as I'm not a fan of plain natural yoghurt. Fingers crossed it tastes good!
Aww! that is just asking for a homemade yogurt name.
Mom's crabby yoghurt or hoody hermit's crabby yoghurt.

I take plain yoghurt add walnuts and drizzle honey on top. it is awesomely good.
appps, be sure to let us know how it turns out. I'm a big yogurt lover, especially the Greek yogurt type.
I have a "yoghurt maker" that uses dried milk.  It makes very nice greek yoghurt and because it's so easy, you can create some whenever you like.  

I had one of those years and years ago but from Kmart or somewhere. I never used it much though as the yoghurt used to seperate into sort of curds and way if that makes sense. Was super picky in my younger days so used to throw it rather than just mixing liquid in sigh lol

It tastes pretty good. Still has that sharp tang of a natural yoghurt but I can eat it because the berries sweetened it enough.
It tastes pretty good. Still has that sharp tang of a natural yoghurt but I can eat it because the berries sweetened it enough.
They sell a "fruit squirt" thingie in the shops which is good when you want a squirt of sweetness on natural yoghurt and don't have berries to cook (or the energy to cook them). I don't like shop-bought yoghurt because it is way too sweet for me, but normal yoghurt with a teensy-weensy little bit of syrup is yummy. I love yoghurt on curries.....

I'm fishing out the yoghurt maker.... LOL
Just made yoghurt for the first time last night!

Was so easy don't know why I put it off so long. I just heated a litre of my lactose free milk to boiling then cooled to 45c and stirred in a small single serve tub of lactose free yoghurt from the supermarket. Then it just had to sit in a warm spot overnight (under the hood of our heated hermit crab tank was perfect). This morning I've got solid yoghurt!

I'm going to purée some frozen blueberries and stir through later when it's cold so it's sweeter as I'm not a fan of plain natural yoghurt. Fingers crossed it tastes good!

i just watched a video on youtube from a guy who made yogurt out of goat milk. looked so good and seems so easy to make.

i use to have hermit crabs too but when i was younger. i had about 20 of them.
i just watched a video on youtube from a guy who made yogurt out of goat milk. looked so good and seems so easy to make.

i use to have hermit crabs too but when i was younger. i had about 20 of them.

Ours are still going strong after about 5 years though we did loose one recently. We've only got about six though in a 4 foot tank.

I'm trying a few different things with my second batch. I'm using low fat milk with a teaspoon of gelatin (as apparently low fat makes watery-er yoghurt). I'm trying this one for my sister as she has to watch her blood sugar and full cream milk isn't good for that I believe.

Lactose free yoghurt is super expensive so if I can just whip this up at $2 per litre with lactose free milk what a bargain! Other funny thing, I need to do dairy free, lactose free still upsets my tummy, but I ate a whole bowl of this earlier and nothing!
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