Any Home Bakers Here?

Bread dough?


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A few days ago the wife made some apple crisp to take away with her sister for a stay at their brothers place.
Little did she know when I bought the 10 pounds of Macintosh apples I was going to make apple jelly. As soon as she drove out the driveway I started. I took all her apple peels and cores, cleaned them up. I cut up the remaining pounds of apples and proceeded to boil everything dow. I added 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to the pot.
This being the first time I’ve tried to make apple jelly I knew it would be a bit of a challenge.
I didn’t tell her why I bought 10 pounds of apples but I had a plan and a mission. I had been researching apple jelly recipes for quite some time.
while I was boiling the apples and then draining them through cheese cloth I washed and sterilized my bottles, rims and boiled water for the lids.
After 4 hours I collected 10 cups of beautiful red apple juice. I added 9.5 cups of sugar, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of butter. The butter is supposed to help make less foam when boiling the juice. As every recipe said when not using Commercial pectin just the natural of the apples boil until the mixture reaches 220. I was able to fill 5 pint Masson jars with jelly and put them in the water bath for 10 minute. Sadly 1 bottle broke. I’m not sure whether I had a bad bottle, but I did forget to turn the burner down and let it fully hard boil and the jar may have got a bump during the hard boil.

Looks good to me, beautiful color!!!

Here is a link to the video taste test of my cinnamon apple jelly Mmm GOOD!

Yum again 😋
I have been giving starts out for 30 plus years but started the dried after I got some of the Oregon sourdough. That was likely about 15 years ago.

I do not charge for it. The friends of Carl have you send them a stamped self addressed envelope for the start.

It makes me very happy to see the friends I send the starts to start baking very good sourdough bread and etc.
Thanks so much !!!!!! I am almost sure I got some from you . It's nice to be able to tell you thanks after all these years . Wow !
Thanks Ron, for the starter I got off you many years ago . WOW !
Chickenfinder, Many of us (ME) have Ron to thank for many things. And
the Sourdough Journey I have been traveling...has been fantastic. Answers to many questions, the knife to slice my baked bread....he is a
wonderful person. In fact....each and everyone are special persons. In life
we meet associates in business, in education and along the way....and this
forum WAS ONE OF THE BEST journey to meet associates that became friends. GOOD CARING FRIENDS. All here I my favorites. Aria
Chickenfinder, Many of us (ME) have Ron to thank for many things. And
the Sourdough Journey I have been traveling...has been fantastic. Answers to many questions, the knife to slice my baked bread....he is a
wonderful person. In fact....each and everyone are special persons. In life
we meet associates in business, in education and along the way....and this
forum WAS ONE OF THE BEST journey to meet associates that became friends. GOOD CARING FRIENDS. All here I my favorites. Aria
I can relate to that . I am still astonished by the fact that I would run across Ron after all these years ! I just can't believe that I was able to thank him . How likely is to find some one after 15 or so years . I am dumfounded . At that time I started making English Muffins .
I can relate to that . I am still astonished by the fact that I would run across Ron after all these years ! I just can't believe that I was able to thank him . How likely is to find some one after 15 or so years . I am dumfounded . At that time I started making English Muffins .
chickenfinder, People on the forum are FANTASTIC and CARING. They
have been so supportive during many hard difficult times. Aria

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