Any Home Bakers Here?

It was AWFUL I tell ya! There I was, standing at the counter in the kitchen. I was prying apart two beef roasts, and finally they separated. Triumphant, I turned to size up my choices for slow cooking it. What I didn’t know was that there was a vicious beast waiting around the corner. He had sniffed out the meat, and was lying in wait for his chance. I saw him but a moment as he was licking his chops in anticipation. Suddenly, he was upon me! He pounced upon me, snarling and growling. His razor sharp teeth tearing into his prize, he … I lost my train of thought, but I still know I am funny.
The dog did wait around the corner. I also really thought he was going to attack the meat. He was licking his lips, and I’ve never seen him do that. :oops:
By the way, it was pizza dough in the freezer. I’ll still use it to make rolls for beef sandwiches.
It was AWFUL I tell ya! There I was, standing at the counter in the kitchen. I was prying apart two beef roasts, and finally they separated. Triumphant, I turned to size up my choices for slow cooking it. What I didn’t know was that there was a vicious beast waiting around the corner. He had sniffed out the meat, and was lying in wait for his chance. I saw him but a moment as he was licking his chops in anticipation. Suddenly, he was upon me! He pounced upon me, snarling and growling. His razor sharp teeth tearing into his prize, he … I lost my train of thought, but I still know I am funny.
The dog did wait around the corner. I also really thought he was going to attack the meat. He was licking his lips, and I’ve never seen him do that. :oops:
By the way, it was pizza dough in the freezer. I’ll still use it to make rolls for beef sandwiches.
One or our cats comes to investigate when I am preparing meat!

I hope the roast turns out good.
It's Sunday (Chicken) dinner, and someone knows it!

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