Any Home Bakers Here?

Tried a white sandwich bread with a tangzhang today. Hoe-Lee Smokes! If you want a wonderbread-like soft white, that is the way to go. The real proof will be whether the last slice stays fresh as long as advertised.

Next time, I may make the loaf at least partly whole wheat to give the bread a little more “backbone.”
I’ve been using my new immersion blender as much as possible. I used it for hummus, then mixed chocolate. Tonight I used it when feeding my starter. :lol: I love how easy the stick is to wash compared to an actual blender.
Those things are The. Best. Mine gets a work out during canning when I use it to turn tomato chunks into sauce. Or want to whip the bee-jeebers out of hot chocolate.
Tried a white sandwich bread with a tangzhang today. Hoe-Lee Smokes! If you want a wonderbread-like soft white, that is the way to go. The real proof will be whether the last slice stays fresh as long as advertised.

Next time, I may make the loaf at least partly whole wheat to give the bread a little more “backbone.”
Woot!!!! Welcome to the club!! I am a tangzhong fanatic
THANKS. First time my Sourdough came Perfect. Ron's SDS is super. Now I am going to work on making the RECIPE a Healthy one. I am a health nut.
Baking is helping me survive....losing my husband and breaking my hip and leg...has set me BACK.
And LIFE is very different and I am trying to enjoy.
Thanks again, Aria
:hugs I buried a husband just before Christmas back in '04. It starts out unbearable, dulls to overwhelming, and eventually settles into a dull ache. One of the last things mine said to me was, "Be happy," so when my current DH asked me to marry him I said yes. That was 11 years ago, in 2010, and I'm glad I did. Life is certainly different, but it can be good again. I wish you well. I wish you peace, joy, love and happiness. Meanwhile, I wish you bread! ❤️🥰
I’ve been using my new immersion blender as much as possible. I used it for hummus, then mixed chocolate. Tonight I used it when feeding my starter. :lol: I love how easy the stick is to wash compared to an actual blender.
Makes great soups, too! Asparagus, potato, butternut squash... I love mine!

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