Any Home Bakers Here?

I know the feeling. Do you know the Serenity Prayer> Basic
do not be sad because Sohia is and remember the
happy days with her. This is the summary of the prayer. Aria Pray
does help.

I have never heard of that prayer, to be honest.

There is something that goes through my mind with this, words from one of my church leaders. I am not trying to preach, I am just sharing it.

“The entire message of the New Testament breathes a spirit of awakening to the human soul. Shadows of despair are dispelled by rays of hope, sorrow yields to joy, and the feeling of being lost in the crowd of life vanishes with the certain knowledge that our Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.

The Savior provided assurance of this truth when He taught that even a sparrow shall not fall to the ground unnoticed by our Father.”

-Thomas S Monson, April 1985 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints-

This second paragraph teaches me that not even a sparrow dies without God noticing it. God knows Sophie died, and I am sure He will comfort me.
I have never heard of that prayer, to be honest.

There is something that goes through my mind with this, words from one of my church leaders. I am not trying to preach, I am just sharing it.

“The entire message of the New Testament breathes a spirit of awakening to the human soul. Shadows of despair are dispelled by rays of hope, sorrow yields to joy, and the feeling of being lost in the crowd of life vanishes with the certain knowledge that our Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.

The Savior provided assurance of this truth when He taught that even a sparrow shall not fall to the ground unnoticed by our Father.”

-Thomas S Monson, April 1985 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints-

This second paragraph teaches me that not even a sparrow dies without God noticing it. God knows Sophie died, and I am sure He will comfort me.
Jared, Here is the SERENITY PRAYER: God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,. the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.
And remember: Do not cry because Sophia is gone
Smile because you enjoyed good times with her. Aria
Good afternoon! Just pulled my 5th, homemade loaf out of the oven. I added a bit of oat flour, this time. Hope it turned out. It's cooling. I want to make a potato bread. Does anyone have a recipe they like?


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