Any Home Bakers Here?

Ok, I had an interesting experience with finding a recipe.

I was reading the book “Little Women,” (Yes, I read that and several other classic books,) and they mentioned something called “pickled limes.”

I thought it was interesting, so I did research on it. I found this recipe in the process.

I guess it’s worth a try. I don’t know if I’ll like it, though.

Anyway, Recipe is here if anyone is interested.
My DWs Grandmother pickled water Mellon rind. Let us know if you like the pickled limes
Can you take your paperwork to an accountant or other tax prep person and let them do it for you? That's what we've always done. Works for us.
I can, but they are horribly expensive 🙄 they charge 400€ and you have to give them everything, when I have written down and collected all the documents, filling in the forms just takes a couple of hours , it takes me a weekend to finish, if I gave it to a professional, they would take almost half of what we get back 😬 my oldest son works for the IRS, he usually helps me, but he moved to his wife (around 350 miles away) and they are expecting their 2. child, so this year, I have to manage on my own 😥
Russian Easter bread.

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