Any idea what this airplane(Helicopter) is doing?

Wonder if this would be it. If you scroll down a bit it has a helicopter image with something that would resemble my picture.

Yep. This website is 10+ years old, so the data-gathering equipment may have changed, but this looks like what they're up to.​
The item shown on that helo is more of torpedo shape. I was in the Navy and saw lots of these used to hunt subs. They dip it in the water and tow it.
Again, from the shape, it appears to be a metal detector. Or a sneak-o-scope.
Nope what they are towing is a huge round device so maybe it is something like that just a little different.
Oh well if they find anything of realy worry they will probably inform us.
I was in the Navy and saw lots of these used to hunt subs... it appears to be a metal detector. Or a sneak-o-scope. big_smile

Are you trying to tell us something? Like: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. If they come looking for my contraband chickens I'm putting lead on my roof - forget the tinfoil!
I haven't read all the posts, so this might be repeated, but we saw this up north when we lived there. What we were told was that they were surveying (maybe not the right work, but) they were looking for gold, and other minerals to mine. Shortly afterwards, Land was dedicated for Gold mines-- to start mining when the price of gold went up.

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