Any NY'ers??

Welcome to NY and BYC! I'm a NY'er, been most of my life too. It's a love hate relationship I have with NY. Taxes are too high, and winters well, they just stink. I can handle the snow, I just wish the sun came out in winter. Summers though, just about the best you can get anywhere !! I too live in the Rochester area and it's a great place to come visit.
I am a suburbanite wishing to find land so I can add to my ( sshh....not allowed ) flock of 5.
Hi everyone. I'm in the western part of the state, about 40 mins. southeast of Buffalo. I don't have any chickens yet, but I'm hoping to get a Faverolle Roo, and a half doz. Sussex hens soon. Just spent all day yesterday emptying the shed and ripping out the old indoor dog kennel. I'm going to get started on installing the insulated walls, for my coop today. Hopfully soon I'll be a real member, instead of just a wana-be:p
I'm Still a Wanna-be chicken owner lol...
Yup, that was me that passed!
You could have stopped by...that's so funny, I just PM'ed you and then I'd continue along this thread.
Last summer, almost every day, at least one car would stop by and people would ask me, "What are they?" and I would respond, "Chickens". Then they'd whip out a camera and say, "Aww...they're so cute! Can I hold one? Will you take a picture of me holding one?" I swore I could have made money that way! I've seen cars driving by and then brake and pull over and just stare as though they were seeing UFO's!
That is soooo funny!!!! I couldn't really stop cause I was in the car with my sister and she isn't into the same things - if you know what I mean. She's into fancy cars and clothes and I'm into chickens and animals and grandkids and gardens.

Anyway, that is so funny.
I spotted them right off.... I was like, oh look, someone has silkies in Cold Spring.

If I'm up that way again I'll be sure to knock on your door. Sometimes I ride my bike up that way. I love 301 and Cold Spring and Fahnestock. Actually, I used to live in Carmel... raised my sons there.

Small world.
Homer here. How are the leaves down there. I'm always amazed how much farther ahead you folks are than us. I was down there a couple weeks ago. There were flowers, buds, etc. At home everything was still "dead."
To all you NY'ers.

I am looking for some EE or Ameraucana eggs for a student project. It is for a teacher at Greenville Middle School, Greenville, NY 12083. She is wanting 16 ~20 eggs and I will pay you by Paypal. It would be great if someone is close enough to cut out shipping, but short distances would be Ok. PM me if anyone is close or email me at [email protected].


Danny D

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