Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

I am still waiting, We build them a new nesting box, to hopefully encourage our girls. I am not in a super rush though, as my 1 became ill and we are now treating them all to make sure they are healthy. Everyone is doing great! A couple more days and they will be off there antibiotics and then I will be really anxious for them to star laying.. I have noticed they are starting to redden in the face. My girl, Styx has been checking out the nest box and her face is reddening up a lot.

My Ladies:
RIR: Orencia
Cochin: Styx
Game Fowl: Tully
Blue Laced Red Wyndotte: Rosie, I am blaming her on them becoming sick, she is an outsider from my 3 girls, She should be laying I believe, if not perhaps a chicken dinner! ;)
Hi roseschickies!
Glad your run with the antibiotics will soon be over, hope I never have to do that! Happy to have you aboard!

I got my 3rd egg in three days! Darn this cold snap, as I do chores, and run back inside. dont have a clue who laid it! First two eggs were totally different, todays looked like yesterdays,,, I do think I have two pullets laying!

Any updates anyone? Happy New Year!

My girls faces are are still starting to redden but not much progress!!! it seems they are frozen in time and will never get big combs and wattles.
My girls faces are are still starting to redden but not much progress!!! it seems they are frozen in time and will never get big combs and wattles.
i get that desperate feeling! I swear, I really thought I had pullets that would never reach maturity! Even with the three eggs I have recieved, I look at all 9 of them wondering who is laying, and when all of them will get going!

Hang in there!

I went and got my girls some 6 grain scratch today. They like it so maybe they will be happy enough to lay me an egg. I only got 1 yesterday, but only 18 for the whole month of December. Not too bad for the only 1 chicken that's laying. the other 7 need to step up and help out!. We had 2 pretty good days with blue sky then one day that is snowed most of the daylight so cloudy now 2 days of sunshine again. This is unusual for this time of year in the Northwest to get dry, sunny, blue sky days in Dec and Jan. Come on girls I am getting egg envy!! CONGRATS to everyone who has gotten their first eggs there is nothing like that feeling. Oh wait, yes there is, the next time you get an egg!
hi im new my username is; wearewolfgirl12 i am so much a tomboy and a wolf i am fearce i am a tomboy
im that red one i like to hit my brothers i will never do this
or this
or maybe this
or this
ummm....... that wuld be emberesing i am like a
hi im new my username is; wearewolfgirl12 i am so much a tomboy and a wolf i am fearce i am a tomboy
im that red one i like to hit my brothers i will never do this
or this
or maybe this
or this
ummm....... that wuld be emberesing i am like a
Hi there,

welcome to the thread!

Do you have any chickens? Waiting for any eggs? Don't hit your brothers, it isn't something that you will feel good about later on!

Welcome to BYC!

I went and got my girls some 6 grain scratch today. They like it so maybe they will be happy enough to lay me an egg. I only got 1 yesterday, but only 18 for the whole month of December. Not too bad for the only 1 chicken that's laying. the other 7 need to step up and help out!. We had 2 pretty good days with blue sky then one day that is snowed most of the daylight so cloudy now 2 days of sunshine again. This is unusual for this time of year in the Northwest to get dry, sunny, blue sky days in Dec and Jan. Come on girls I am getting egg envy!! CONGRATS to everyone who has gotten their first eggs there is nothing like that feeling. Oh wait, yes there is, the next time you get an egg!
Hi nakstk,

What is in your 6 grain scratch. Did you purchase it from a feed mill? I have9 girls, and I think 2 have started to lay, I wish the other 7 or 8 would join in! You are right about the next time,, I've only gotten 3 eggs so far, but I am still so very excited!

I started to feed my girls scratch when it started to get cold. They love it, I also started feeding them black oil sunflower seeds when they started to pluck each others feathers out and eat them. I did find 20% layer crumbles at the feed store today and I am going to transition them up to the 20% from 16% layer feed. My scratch has corn, wheat, and oats, my first bag was better mixed than my current bag.

I wish I knew which of my girls were laying, but I have too many that have similar coloring to even name them something other than chickie.

I had to break down and buy a heated watering fount, these -22F nights are not making my girls happy. They are still laying, but I think they might slow down if we don't snap out of this cold. My heat lamps have not turned off in more than a week. I really feel bad for my girls, if I had somewhere inside my house I would so bring them all inside at night.

On an exciting note I sold my first dozen eggs on Monday.
Wow,, that is exciting! I was wondering if I would ever do that. I only have 9 girls at the moment, but I am sure when they are all in full swing, I won't need that many eggs. I will love to give eggs to my sisters, and nieces and friends. They are all looking forward to it. I too am going tomorrow to get some sort of heated water thingy. Switching out the frozen waterer is getting old. Why did you go to the higher % protien feed, because of the cold? I am thinking of starting to ferment feed for the health benefits. I add unpasturized Apple Cider vinegar to my water. My girls are all very healthy knock wood!
How many birds do you have Duckie Tam?

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